Homeopathic Remedies for Stomach and Digestion Problems

Stomach and digestive problems spare no person. At times, the stomach disorder is of a short duration and at other times longer. Both stomach and digestive problems indicate that there is something inherently out of order and the body needs immediate help. The discomfort that accompanies stomach and digestive problems can hinder life’s activities and become an embarrassment too. Homeopathy has a cure for both stomach and digestive problems. The natural Homeopathic remedies for stomach and digestive problems are not only of great help in getting rid of stomach problems but also eliminate the root cause of the digestive disorders. The Homeopathic treatment is completely safe with zero side effects and proves to be of immense benefit in the long run.

Top homeopathic Remedies for Stomach and digestion problems

Nux Vomica: Best Homeopathic remedy for stomach problems

Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica is of great help in the treatment of various stomach problems. It is the best Homeopathic remedy for heartburn that occurs after taking coffee, spicy food or alcoholic drinks. Nux Vomica is also the ideal Homeopathic treatment for constipation. For using this medicine for constipation, the prominent indicating symptom is the constant urge to pass stool or poop but the stool is insufficient and unsatisfactory. Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomicais also used to relieve the heaviness and sensation of weight in the stomach after eating.

Pulsatilla: Top Homeopathic remedy for gastric problems after eating fatty food

Pulsatilla is the best Homeopathic medicine to deal with the gastric problems that arise as a result of consuming fatty food like pastries, ice creams, ghee and butter. Most of the patients requiring this medicine have a complete absence of thirst. Homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla can also be used for treatment of loose stools. The prominent symptom to use this medicine in case of loose stools is the changing nature of stool every time it is passed. Chilliness also accompanies loose stool.

China: Homeopathic medicine for letting out gas from bloated abdomen

China is the most efficient Homeopathic medicine to relieve the bloated abdomen where the whole abdomen is full of gas. The gas may also cause severe pain in the abdomen. China is also the ideal Homeopathic remedy for diarrhoea with extreme weakness. Diarrhoea consequent to eating fruits can be very efficiently treated with this Homeopathic medicine.

Arsenic Album: Top Homeopathic medicine for gastric trouble after food poisoning

Arsenic Album is the best Homeopathic medicine for gastric troubles that occur as a result of food poisoning. The patients requiring the Homeopathic treatment of Arsenic Album have the symptoms of nausea, vomiting, loose stool and stomach pain. These complaints get worse after eating or drinking anything. The patient also feels an extreme burning sensation in stomach.

Lycopodium: Homeopathic medicine for stomach feeling full after eating very little

Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium is an ideal remedy when the stomach feels full and there is a distention of abdomen even after eating very little. There is rolling of gas in stomach with burps that cause burning in the throat. Lycopodium is even the Homeopathic cure for acidity due to intake of farinaceous(starchy) and flatulent food. The patients requiring this Homeopathic medicine at times also show a craving for hot drinks.

Robinia, Natrum Phos and Nux Vomica: Homeopathic treatment for stomach and digestion problems with heartburn and acidity

Homeopathic medicine Robinia proves to be an effective treatment for digestive disorders when patient complains of heartburn and burps that cause burning in throat and acidic vomiting. Natrum Phos is recommended for the Homeopathic treatment of heartburn with sour burps and sour vomiting. Nux Vomica is the Homeopathic remedy for acidity that occurs after eating spicy food, coffee or alcoholic drinks.

Colocynth, Magnesium Phos and Nux Vomica: Homeopathic Remedies for stomach pain

Homeopathic medicine Colocynth is mainly used for the treatment of cramping type of stomach pains. The patient requiring this medicine usually gets relief from pressure or bending double. Homeopathic medicine Magnesium Phos is an ideal remedy for stomach pain of various kinds like cutting, sharp, cramping or shooting pains. Application of warmth on the stomach soothes the stomach ache most of the times in patients requiring Magnesium Phos. Nux Vomica is the Homeopathic medicine recommended if the stomach pain is relieved after passing stool.

Carbo Veg, Lycopodium and China: Homeopathic medicines for gas in the abdomen

Homeopathic medicines Carbo Veg, Lycopodium and China are natural remedies for digestive disorders that are very effective in treating gas in the abdomen. These Homeopathic medicines can be used as per the site of gas in abdomen. Carbo Veg is the best Homeopathic remedy when gas is present in upper abdomen and burps may give a slight relief. Lycopodium is the Homeopathic cure for gas in lower abdomen. Homeopathic medicine China gives best results when the whole abdomen is full of gas and is bloated.

Arsenic Album: Homeopathic cure for vomiting

Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album is of great help in treating vomiting and stomach issues. This is given when the stomach does not seem to retain any kind of food or liquid. It is immediately vomited out as soon as it reaches the stomach.

Ipecac: Homeopathic medicine for treatment of nausea

Ipecac is a natural Homeopathic medicine that can be taken by all the patients who have a persistent and extreme nauseating feeling. The nausea can be present alone or in addition to any gastric complaint.

Aloes, Colocynth and China: Homeopathic remedies for stomach and digestion problems with chief complaint of diarrhoea

Homeopathic medicine Aloes is the best remedy when the person has to immediately rush to the closet toilet to pass stool. The stool is watery and the condition gets worse after consuming any kind of food or drink. The person also experiences pain in stomach but feels relievedafter passing stool. If cramps are present along with loose stool, Colocynth is the ideal Homeopathic remedy. Homeopathic medicine China is mainly used to treat diarrhoea when the person is exhausted by frequent loose stool with extreme weakness. Bleeding in stool with diarrhea can occur due to Ulcerative colitis . Read more on Homeopathic medicines for Ulcerative colitis in our other feature

Bryonia Alba, Nux Vomica and Alumina: Homeopathic medicines for constipation

Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba can be used in all those cases of constipation where the stool is very hard and dry. Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica gives excellent results when there is a frequent urge to pass stool but the stool is very insufficient and unsatisfactory. And for patients who have no urge to pass stool for many days,Homeopathic remedy Alumina is of great help.

Carbo Veg: Homeopathic medicine for pain in head due to gas

Carbo Veg is the best natural Homeopathic medicine for the treatment of pain in head due to excess gas in stomach. The abdomen is bloated and gets tense with gas. Slight relief is felt by burping. Use Carbo Veg to get rid of pain in head due to gas.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Homeopathic Remedies For Chronic Sore Throat


Chronic sore throat can be quite discomforting as it can be a source of perpetual irritation or pain in a person’s throat. It is a chronic infection of the throat characterized by a constant irritation in the throat, with or without pain, and may be associated with hoarseness of voice in some patients. Homeopathic remedies promise a safe and successful recovery and relief from this condition as they address not just the symptoms of soreness but also its underlying factors.


I find the following five to be the favourite remedies for curing a chronic sore throat owing to their efficacy in assuaging the myriad manifestations of this condition:

CAPSICUM: Homoeopathic medicine capsicum is the top-most remedy for cases of chronic sore throat. The main feature is that there is a constant, stitching pain in the throat. Capsicum may be prescribed in cases of chronic sore throat which are associated with gastric or rheumatic complaints. Swallowing of solids or liquids becomes an agonizing exercise. There may be a constant itching in the throat with a sensation of roughness. Capsicum may be given in sore throat when there is a dry cough with thick phlegm. This natural remedy may be prescribed in young girls who stay away from home and feel homesick. There may be a constant desire to drink cold drinks but there is a sudden, agonising pain in the throat during an attempt to swallow.

IGNATIA: I find homoeopathic medicine Ignatia is also a very well indicated remedy in cases of chronic sore throat. This may be associated with chronic tonsillitis. Ignatia may be prescribed when swallowing of liquids is more painful and the pain subsides on swallowing solids. The pain may be stinging and burning in nature. There may be a constant lump-like sensation in the throat with an urge to clear the throat.

PSORINUM: The homoeopathic medicine Psorinum may be indicated in sore throats which tend to be recurrent. There may be a constant pain in the throat which may radiate to the ears during an attempt to swallow. There may a constant desire to stay warm because of the extreme chilliness, so much so that there is a desire to be dressed warmly even during summers. Psorinum may be given to improve the immunity in children who suffer from recurrent upper respiratory infections. There may be a foul-smelling discharge from the throat. All the symptoms are aggravated by a cold in general and by drinking coffee, and usually get better with warmth.

PHOSPHOROUS: Homoeopathic remedy Phosphorous is best prescribed in cases of chronic sore throats in people who suffer from ill-effects of overuse of their voice, for example, in public speakers, singers, teaching professionals etc. Phosphorous may be given when there is a constant tickling and itching sensation in the throat. There may be hoarseness of voice and, at times, there may be a total loss of voice on attempt to talk. There may be an inability to talk on account of pain in the throat. Phosphorous may be prescribed when exposure to strong odours gives rise to a sudden bout of violent cough. There may be a burning pain in the throat on coughing. There is a constant desire to drink cold, refreshing drinks as it gives relief from the burning sensation in the throat. All complaints are worsened by mental exertion, change of weather as well as hot climate, and improved by cold drinks, gargling with cold water and by proper sleep.

SULPHUR: This is one of the best indicated medicines in cases of chronic sore throat. Sulphur may be prescribed when there is a sensation of heat in the mouth and throat. There may a sensation of swelling in the throat as if some foreign body is stuck and there is a constant attempt to clear the throat. Sulphur may be given in people with a hoarseness of voice with a constant burning in the throat. The sputum may be rusty or stained or greenish. Sulphur may be given to reduce the recurrence of throat infections.

What exactly is tonsillitis?

Tonsils are a pair of tissues situated on either side inside your throat. They are made up of lymph tissue (this means that they are a part of our body?s defense system).Their function is to filter harmful bacteria?s and viruses going inside our body through the mouth. These tonsils are filled with white blood cells ready to catch and destroy harmful microorganisms but at times they are overwhelmed by these microorganisms and inflammation in the tonsils takes place. This inflammation in the tonsils is called as tonsillitis. This causes them to swell up and become fiery red in color too

What are the Symptoms of tonsillitis?

The diagnosis of ?Recurrent Tonsillitis? is made if the child has multiple episodes of acute tonsillitis. In acute tonsillitis, Pain in throat is often the symptoms that children first complain off. If you examine your child?s throat with torchlight, you will notice tonsils are enlarged and also red in color. They may also show white spots on them. Other signs and symptoms of tonsillitis include pain while swallowing and or difficulty in swallowing food, fever is common with inflamed tonsils. They may also complain of Headache. , Enlarged and sore glands in the jaw and neck. In some children the voice may also get altered. Airway obstruction due to swollen tonsils may cause mouth breathing, snoring, and nocturnal breathing pauses.

Homeopathy for recurrent tonsillitis.

Homeopathic treatment can treat both the acute condition and also stop the recurrence of tonsillitis. In acute tonsillitis homeopathic medicines such as Baryta Carb, Mercurius group, Belladonna, Aconite, Hepar Sulph work wonders if employed according to their indications. When an acute infection is treated with the right homeopathic medicine, the chances of tonsillitis recurring again also slim down. But in some cases a specialized treatment which actually fortifies the child?s defense system also needs to be done. This kind of treatment is known in homeopathic philosophy as constitutional treatment where Deep-acting medicines are used to treat the constitution of the child and bring about lasting relief

Preventing and Managing tonsillitis

Proper hand wash

This is still the best way to prevent all kinds of infections, including tonsillitis. Make the child wash his hands thoroughly with soap and running water. Make sure that they wash the back side of the hands too.

Saline water gargles

If your child is old enough to do gargles, make sure he does it several times a day, especially during the episode of acute tonsillitis.

Adequate Rest

Plenty of rest is necessary for the child to fight infection. Make sure that the child gets good rest till the symptoms subside

Warm drinks to soothe

Giving them warm drinks like soup tea or hot milk can be very soothing when there is an acute inflammation of tonsils

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Sleeplessness and Homeopathy

A few decades ago sleep was thought to be an insignificant activity in our daily life. But with recent advances in medical research, we now know that it is an active process and affects our physical and mental health in many ways.

Sleep is extremely essential for our nervous system to work properly. Some experts believe that sleep is more important for our nervous system. Unlike other organs, the nervous system cannot replace the neurons (nerve cells), so it shuts down during sleep and gives neurons (nerve cells) time to repair and remove the byproducts of their cellular activity.

A good sleep is not only defined by the hours one sleeps but by the quality of sleep too. An individual is said to be suffering from insomnia (sleep disorder characterizing inadequate sleep) when one or more of the following are present: difficulty in falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night with difficulty in returning to sleep, waking up too early in the morning, unrefreshing sleep.

Insomnia can be classified as transient (short term), intermittent (on and off) and chronic (constant). Chronic insomnia can result in a combination of physical and mental disorders. Depression is the most common cause, although physical causes such as night pains caused by arthritis, kidney and heart disease, restless legs syndrome, Parkinson’s disease and hyperthyroidism can also be the causative factors for insomnia. In addition, some other factors also have a role in insomnia: excessive caffeine (tea, coffee) intake, taking of alcohol before bedtime, smoking cigarettes before bedtime, disrupted sleep schedules and excessive sleeping in the afternoon. At times it is the worry of having difficulty in sleeping that causes it. Though insomnia is found in both sexes, it seems to be more pronounced in women after menopause. It is also more in the elderly


Whereas the conventional system treats this disease by giving drugs to induce artificial sleep, which frequently may cause side-effects or addiction, the homoeopathic approach is totally safe and natural. It treats insomnia by giving a tiny dose of a substance that in large doses may cause sleeplessness in a healthy person. This tiny dose helps in optimising the sleep regulatory mechanism in the body.

Coffea Cruda is a homoeopathic medicine that is most often used for treating insomnia of acute origin. As the name suggests, it is made from coffee beans. It is indicated when insomnia is due to the mind being overcharged by an excessive inflow of thoughts and ideas at the time of sleep. Nux Vomica is more suited when insomnia is due to the abuse of stimulants, e.g. alcohol, coffee, smoking, etc.

Chronic insomnia needs to be treated according to the cause and also evaluated on the constitutional scale. The high efficacy homoeo-treatment for depression needs a special mention as it is the most common cause for chronic insomnia.

Fighting sleeplessness

The underlying cause: The key is to find out what’s causing insomnia so that it can be dealt with directly. Simply making a few changes in the sleep habits helps many people.

Set a schedule: It is important to set a schedule for sleeping. Sleeping and waking according to a set schedule can help in overcoming insomnia.

Relaxation: Make restful activities a part of your bedtime habits. Any activity – such as bathing, reading and music – which relaxes you should be made a bedtime ritual.

Regular exercise: Set a regular exercise schedule, and for maximum benefits exercise 5-6 hours before sleep time.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine: Caffeine drinks – coffee and tea – should be avoided after evening hours. Alcohol and smoking before bedtime should be completely avoided

Wake up with the sun: Make sure that you get up with the sun. Let enough sunlight enter your bedroom in the morning as sunlight helps set the body’s internal biological clock each day.

Don’t lie in the bed awake: If after 30 minutes of lying in the bed you are not able to sleep, it is better that you do something else till you feel sleepy.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Homeopathic Treatment and Remedies For Skin Abscess and Boils

An abscess or a boil is something that nearly every one experiences at least once in their lifetime. Some unfortunate people experience it very regularly and surely understand the discomfort involved in having recurrent abscess and boils. It can be a very painful condition. It can range from very mild pain to very severe painful and complicated condition Skin abscess is a collection of pus under the skin and is usually localized. Pain in abscess is a common symptom and the surrounding areas can show symptoms of inflammation like heat and redness.  Homeopathic treatment of abscess can be a great boon to person suffering from it. Homeopathic medicines are very effective in treating skin abscess and boils. Once the abscess gets treated with homeopathic medicines, the chances of it recurring again are very less. Moreover, homeopathic medicines are very safe and natural medicines thus produce no side effects.

What is Skin Abscess or Boils?

Skin abscess or boils are localized collection of pus under the skin. Abscess can develop in any part of the body but is more common under the skin. It can occur even in deeper parts of the body which can be very complicated at times, even life threatening.

What causes Skin Abscess and boils?

This pus collection is formed due to body’s response towards an infection under the skin or a presence of a foreign particle or a body under the skin. The most common agent for bacterial infection under the skin is the presence Staphylococcus Aureus. Abscess may occur after an inflammation of a hair follicle or an obstruction of sweat or oil glands. It is also common for people to develop an abscess after a surgical procedure.

Homeopathic Medicines  for the treatment of skin Abscess and Boils

Homeopathy has a great repository of medicines for treating skin abscess and boils. In this feature I will be discussing few of the top homeopathic medicines that I have used in my clinical practice for treating abscess and boils . While discussing medicines for abscess I will not be confining myself to skin abscess and boils only; I will be discussing abscess in other parts of the body too. Silicea , Calcarea Sulph  ,Hepar Sulph , Calcarea Pic , Ichthyolum ,Kali Hydroiodicum , Syphillinum  and Vipera are the Homeopathic medicines that I will be discussing in this feature.

Homeopathic medicine Silicea tops the table in treating skin abscess and boils . It promotes the suppurative processes and hasten the recovery . It is very useful abscess of cornea after a traumatic injury. It is very useful in Hepatic abscess and abcess of the labia. It is also very useful for felons, old fistulous ulcers, and abscess of joints. Another great medicine for treating abscess is Calcarea Sulph. It has a great role to play in treating abscess around anus in cases of fistula. Hepar Sulph is used when there is abscess in glands and also when there is an abscess of labia with great sensitivity to touch. Itchthyolum is very effective in treating crops of boils . Kali Hydroiodicum is effective in treating tiny small boils . Syphyllinum is an excellent choice when there is a succession of abscesses one after the other.  Vipera is great medicine for abscesses when there is bursting sensation and is relieved by raising the affected part.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Homeopathic Treatment for Carbuncles

Carbuncle is much more than just a simple abscess, boil or furuncle. It occurs when multiple hair follicles gets infected. It is usually deep and forms a lump. Homeopathy has an excellent treatment for it.  Homeopathic treatment for carbuncle is very safe and side effects are unheard off. Homeopathy uses body’s own defenses to fight infection, thus homeopathic treatment is fast and safe. Homeopathic medicines are made from naturally occurring substances and are free from any toxicity. Once resolved with homeopathic medicines, Carbuncles usually will not recur.

What is Carbuncle?

A carbuncle is an infection that occurs in the deep layers of skin and has an involvement of multiple hair follicles, which are infected. The most common bacterial agent that leads to this infection is Staphylococcus Aureus. It may form a lump with collection of pus, fluid and dead tissue in it. It may occur anywhere but is common on nape of the neck and back.

What causes carbuncle?

Exact cause of carbuncle is not known but poor hygiene, friction of clothing and injury while shaving and overall poor health are the contributing factors.

What are the symptoms of Carbuncle?

Carbuncle appears a raised lump initially.  There may be redness around it with pain on touching. Gradually it may grow in size( it can range from the size of pea to a golf ball ) and cause significant pain . it may develop a pus point and may start oozing pus and blood . It may even spread to different areas. Fever and fatigue may be present.

Complications of Carbuncle

Sepsis is one of the major complications that can occur due to carbunculosis .In sepsis the infection from the carbuncle enters the blood stream. Immune reaction to the bacteria may lead to endocarditis.

Homeopathic treatment for carbuncles

Homeopathic medicines that I have found work the best for the treatment of carbuncles are Anthracinum  , Apis mel ,  Crotalus Horridus , Echinacea , Euphorbinum , lachesis and Tarentula Cub .

Out of all Homeopathic medicine Anthracinum is one medicine that has given me the best results . It is indicated for carbuncles and malignant ulcers. It is very effective when there is succession of boils one after the other. I have found Apis Mel very useful in cases where there is stinging pain in carbuncles. Crotalus Horridus is very useful in cases where the carbuncle is surrounded by purplish mottled skin and edema (swelling). Another great homeopathic medicine for  carbuncle treatment is Echinacea . I t works well in treating recurrent carbuncles .  Euphorbinum is indicated in old indolent ulcers with biting and lancinating pains . Lachesis is best suited for carbuncles that are bluish and purplish in surroundings.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Homeopathic Remedies for Skin Rashes

Homeopathic Remedies for skin rashes

A skin rash can be described as any change in the skin that can impact its color, texture or look. A rash can result in itching, chapping, blistering, swelling, change in color etc, which may or may not be accompanied by pain. A skin rash can either be localized, affecting a specific body part, or it can spread to the entire body.A skin rash can result in not only discomfort or pain but also awkwardness about your look. There are some kinds of skin rashes that disappear on their own, like the heat rash and swimmer’s itch, while there are others, such as rosacea and shingles, that call for medical intervention.Homeopathic remedies for skin rashes are comparatively safe and successful  since they have practically no side-effects, something which is very crucial for patients suffering from rashes.

Kinds of Skin Rashes

Some kinds of rashes that occur commonly are:Eczema occurs in case of individuals with allergies or asthma. It is characterized by a red, itchy, and scaly rash.Psoriasis is marked by red, scaly, itchy patches on the joints and the scalp. It occurs especially on the fingernails.Impetigo occurs mostly in children and is characterized by red sores which form into blisters, ooze, and then turn into a crust.Shingles are a painful blistered skin condition triggered by that very virus that causes chickenpox.Rashes can also be related to common childhood diseases like measles, roseola, rubella, chickenpox, hand-foot-mouth disease, scarlet fever and the like.Rashes can also be synonymous with certain medical conditions like lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and the Kawasaki disease.

Causes of skin rashes

The factors for skin rashes are as wide ranging as the kinds of rashes themselves.  From infections, heat, and immune system disorders to medications and allergens like chemicals in elastic, rubber products, cosmetics, soaps, detergents or dyes in clothing, virtually anything can trigger a rash. Interestingly, even an oily skin, infrequent shampooing, and alcohol-based lotions can lead to skin rashes.Age, stress, fatigue and weather extremes can often compound this irksome skin condition.Among the other common causes of rashes are a reaction to vaccination, food allergy, friction due to brushing of skin, menstruation, secondary syphilis, skin conditions such as acne and fungal infection in the form of ringworm.

Homeopathic Medicines for skin rashes

Sulphur, I find, is ideal for redness and rashes that aggravate at night.Homeopathic medicine  Medoohinum is suited for treating the fiery red rash around the anus in babies. Lithium Carb works best in case of a rough rash all over the body and tough, dry, itchy skin.  Caladium is to be given to patients of an itching rash that alternates with asthma. I feel Belladona is very helpful in case of eruptions like scarlatina which spread suddenly. Astacus Fluv is great homeopathic remedy for a rash and itching all over the body. Sarsaprilla works well for a rash that results from exposure to open air and causes dry itching.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Shingles and Herpes Treatment

Homeopathic remedies for shingles

Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, zoster or zona, is a viral infection that manifests itself as a painful rash. It can affect any part of the body but it generally appears as a blister that forms a strip around either the left or the right part of the torso, around one eye or even on one side of the neck or face.

The incidence of shingles across the globe varies between 1.2 and 3.4 cases for every 1000 medically sound individuals, with the rate getting higher among those aged above 65. On an average, a majority of people contract this disease at least once in their lifetime.

Homeopathic medicines for shingles offers suitable and safe treatment for it , which I shall elaborate later in this article.

Characteristics of shingles

Shingles is essentially a viral ailment marked by a painful skin rash coupled with blisters, occurring as a stripe on one side of the body.

Herpes zoster should not be confused with herpes simplex, despite having similar nomenclature.

Symptoms of shingles

Shingle mostly affects only a miniscule part of the skin on one side of your body. The signs and symptoms may appear in the form of pain, itching burning , numbness , a  rash that occurs 2-3 days after the pain or as fluid-packed blisters.Other symptoms that patients could display are fever, fatigue, head pain, feeling of chill or general aches and pains.Pain is the primary and initial symptom of shingles. It can sometimes be so intense that it can be confused for a symptom of heart, lung or kidney problem. At times, patients may develop shingles pain without ever getting the rash.

Causes of shingles

Shingles is triggered by the varicella-zoster virus (also known as VZV) — the same virus that is responsible for chickenpox. Even after chickenpox has got treated, the virus sometimes does not leave the body, lying inert in tissues in the region of the spinal chord and brain. It can then go on to cause shingles — a disease with very different symptoms — usually several years after the initial infection.

 Homeopathic treatment for shingles

The homeopathic medicines that I have found to be ideal for cases of shingles are Ranunculus Bulbous, Croton Tiglium, Asterias Rubens, Cedron, Dolichos, and Dulcamara.I feel that Ranunculus Bulbous works best in cases of herpetic eruptions that cause a lot of itching. Croton Tiglium is more suited for patients suffering from the stinging and smarting pain of eruptions. I prefer to prescribe Cedron in cases of shingles with radiating pain. Dolichos and Dulcamara are also homeopathic remedies that are effective for herpes zoster.Since these homeopathic medicines are derived from natural substances, they are safe along with being successful and being free from side-effects.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Best Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Cellulitis treatment

Homeopathic Remedies for Cellulitis

Cellulitis is a very common bacterial skin infection in which there is inflammation of skin and connective tissue. Cellulitis can occur on any part of the body but face and lower legs are the most common site for cellulitis. Homeopathic Remedies for cellulitis treatment  are very effective in fighting out the bacterias without the using antibiotics .

Cause of Cellulitis .

The main causative agents for causing cellulitis are Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphyloccus aureus bacterias. In healthy condition the skin act as a protective barrier against infectious agents, preventing their entry into the body. When the integrity of skin is broken due to various factors like insect bite, cuts, scratch marks, injuries, surgical incision etc, the bacteria gain entry into the body through this broken skin and leads to inflammation of skin and connective tissue. People with diabetes mellitus, suppressed immune system and venous stasis are more prone to cellulitis.

Symptoms of Cellulitis:

The main symptoms of cellulitis include redness, swelling, heat and pain in the affected area. As the disease advances blebs and bullae appear on the skin. Blebs and bullae are fluid containing eruptions on skin. At this stage fever occurs. If the condition is not properly treated at this stage then it goes further deep into connective tissue and gain access to the lymph nodes. Then the infection spreads to blood leading to septicaemia or blood poisoning which is a very critical condition.

How can Homeopathy can help in the treatment of  cellulitis:

Homeopathic medicines are very efficient in treating cellulitis. The medicines work wonderfully by increasing the immunity of patient thereby reducing the swelling, pain and burning in cellultis condition. Even in cases of cellulitis with bleb formation homeopathic medicines works wonders that too very gently preventing the physical and mental trauma of surgeons knife intervention. In advanced complicated cases of cellulitis where septicemia has set in homeopathy holds a ray of hope in treatment according to well selected homeopathic medicines.

Which are the best Homeopathic Medicines for treating Cellulitis ?

1) Belladona – Homeopathic medicine for treating cellulitis when there is marked redness of skin:

Homeopathic remedy Belladonna acts as a very good natural medicine for cellulitis where the skin is markedly red and swollen giving it a shining appearance. Patient requiring Belladona will also experience pain which gets worse by touch. The character of pain is that it appears and disappears suddenly. Another marked feature where this homeopathic medicine Belladona can be used for cellulitis is dryness of skin with much heat.

2). Homoeopathic medicine Apis Mellifica for cellulitis when marked swelling is present:

Apis mellifica is suited in those cases of cellulitis in which there is much swelling of the affected area alongwith much burning and stinging type of pains. Apis mellifica also respond to those cases of cellulitis in which the burning pains are relieved by applying something cold over skin and the pains that rapidly shifts from one part to another.Another feature of this medicine indication is rosy hue of skin with much sensitivity towards touch. Apis mellifica can be taken in all those cases where cellulitis is a result of honey bee sting.

3)Ledum Palsture –  Homoeopathic Remedy for treating cellulitis resuting from insect bites:

Homeopathic medicine Ledum palustre holds a very good image in treating those cases of cellulitis resulting from insect bites. This natural homeopathic medicine is used in  cellulitis when there is  coldness of affected part with tearing type of pains. Homeopathic medicine Ledum palustre can be used in long standing cases of cellulitis in which the skin colour changes from blueness to green.

4) Silicea-  Homoeopathic medicine for treating cellulitis when blebs appear upon skin 

This homeopathic remedy Silicea gives very good results when blebs are formed on skin in advanced cellulitis cases. These blebs can contain pus which is very offensive . Silicea is  also used when along with cellulitis there is  fever with chilliness and offensive perspiration .

5) Homeopathic medicine Pyrogenium for septicaemia in cellulitis:

Pyrogenium is an excellent remedy for treating septicemia. The points that guide towards its use in septic conditions is  a ) fever with chills b) The body temperature being 103 to 106, rising quickly with abnormally very rapid pulse rate making the patient restless.The patient requiring pyrogenium complains of excessive chilliness in the back. In cases where septicemia occurs after surgery or after childbirth, Pyrogenium acts very effectively.

6) Homeopathic medicine Calendula Officinalis in Post surgical cellulitis :

Undoubtedly the best homeopathic remedy for cellulitis that has come after surgical cuts is Calendula officinalis.This medicine acts very efficiently not only as a curative but also as preventive for excessive suppuration/pus formation on skin in cellulitis developing post surgically. If applied locally to the wounded skin after an injury it helps as preventive for cellulitis .

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Homeopathic Remedies for Burns

Burns refers to the skin injury arising out of exposure to heat, chemicals and electricity. Burns can also be caused by radiations (from sun or X-rays). Burns can involve just the outer layer of skin, or can penetrate the deeper layers and in the severe cases, even up to bones and muscles.When only the outer or superficial skin is burnt, it is called first degree burns. Here, the skin gets red with pain and swelling. In second and third degree burns, the injury involves the deeper layers of skin partially or in whole thickness, respectively.In second degree burns, blisters (fluid-filled eruptions) appear along with redness and swelling of skin. In third degree burns, the skin appears white or brown. In the fourth degree burns, the skin appears black and charred, exposing the bones and muscles. The third and fourth degree burns are painless. The main complications arising in burns cases are infection, gangrene, pneumonia and nephritis.Third and fourth degree burns need urgent intensive care in hospital. The Homeopathic mode of treatment, however, is of great help for minor superficial burns up to second degree. The Homeopathic medicines, which are made of natural substances, not only provide relief from pain and swelling, but also halt any signs of an infection or old burns wounds that open up. The Homeopathic remedies for burns are absolutely safe, with zero side effects.

Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Burns

The minor superficial burns up to second degree can be very effectively treated with natural Homeopathic remedies. The third and fourth degree burns, however, need urgent intensive care in hospital. Although Homeopathic medicines can be given for third and fourth degree burns also, but this is done only after the initial first aid in hospital. Homeopathic medicines help in reducing burning, pain and swelling. The natural homeopathic treatment for burns also help in preventing blister formation. The cases of burns that are slow to heal or old burns that suddenly start to pain or reopen can be very well managed with Homeopathic remedies. Burns cases which show signs of infection or are tending towards gangrene recovery can greatly benefit from properly selected Homeopathic medicines.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Burns

Cantharis: Best natural Homeopathic remedy for Burns

Cantharis is the best natural Homeopathic remedy for burns and should always be the first choice of medicine for the treatment of burns. The reason for selecting this Homeopathic medicine in the very initial stage is because of its remarkable tendency to provide relief from burning pains and preventing blister formation. Cantharis helps in the speedy recovery of burnt skin and can be given in all those cases of burns arising out of dry heat, wet heat (hot drinks) or burns from sun. The person needing Cantharis has an acute burning and smarting pain in the burnt area. Along with burning, the skin is markedly red and inflamed. The person also appears very restless in addition to these symptoms. Although Cantharis possesses the tendency to prevent blister formation, but even in cases of burns where blisters form,Cantharis is of great help. For using Cantharis in burns with blisters, the burning-smarting pain is the key symptom. So, first and second degree burns can be very effectively handled by Homeopathic remedy Cantharis.

Urtica Urens: Homeopathic medicine for first degree burns

Urtica Urens is another very beneficial natural Homeopathic medicine for burns. It is mostly used in first degree burns confined to superficial skin. The redline symptom for using Homeopathic remedy Urtica Urens is burning and stinging pains in burnt skin. The skin is intensely red, swollen with burning and stinging pains. Urtica Urens helps in providing relief from the burning-stinging pains very promptly and helps in quick recovery.Urtica Urens is considered one of the top Homeopathic medicinesfor the treatment of first degree burns.

Causticum: Homeopathic medicine for burns that heal slowly

Causticum is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for burns that are very slow to heal. Causticum is of great help in hastening the healing process in burns cases. Persons who can greatly benefit from natural Homeopathic medicine Causticum have a major complaint of rawness, excessive soreness and pain in the burnt area. Causticum also helps to speed up the recovery of burns and soothen the soreness and pain in the affected area. Another important field for using Causticum in burns is reopening of burns that had occurred long ago. Causticum is also the best Homeopathic medicine for all those cases where the person complains of soreness and pain in old healed burns. Causticum thus can be used in two fields of burns cases: when the burns are slow to recover and when old burns surprisingly freshen up, leading to pain and soreness.

Top Homeopathic treatment for burns with pus-formation

Homeopathic medicines Calendula, Hepar Sulph and Calcarea Sulph are the best natural remedies for burns where pus has begun to form or in medical terms,where burns have suppurated. Calendula is the top Homeopathic medicine that acts as preventive agent against suppuration or pus-formation. If Calendula is used in the very beginning, the chances of pus formation are greatly reduced. Calendula also prevents the disfiguring scar formation and promotes healthy healing. When the pus has already formed, Hepar Sulph and Calcarea Sulph are very beneficial. For using Hepar Sulph in treatment of suppurating burns, the symptoms are offensive pus discharge with a sensitive skin to touch. Burning, stinging, pricking pains are felt along with pus discharge. Fever with chills may also appear with a desire to be covered up warmly along with pus discharge. Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Sulph is the most appropriate remedy where typically there is a yellow pus discharge from the burnt skin. Calcarea Sulph is of great help in controlling the pus discharge that is precisely yellow in colour.

Homeopathic remedies for burns tending towards gangrene

Gangrene is a term used when a body tissue becomes dead. Natural Homeopathic medicines Arsenic Album, Anthracinum and Secale Cor can be used according to their symptom indication for burns heading towards the gangrenous process. All these Homeopathic medicines help in halting the gangrene process, but their selection is made on the basis of the peculiar symptoms characteristic to each one of them. Arsenic Album is the best Homeopathic remedy when burning pains are marked with ulcers oozing an offensive discharge. Restlessness and anxiety also appear in the utmost degree. A peculiar symptom of relief from burning pain by warmth serves as a guiding symptom to select Arsenic Album over other Homeopathic remedies. The symptoms for using Homeopathic medicine Anthracinum for gangrenous burns include blue or black blisters on skin with burning. Ulceration and sloughing of skin is also present along with burning pains. Secale Cor is the ideal Homeopathic choice when skin appears shrivelled with a blue appearance. Burning pains are also experienced. The burning, however, gets better by cold for the use of Secale Corin comparison to Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album,which is best when heat relieves the pain.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Homeopathic Remedies for Clear and Glowing Skin

The skin can lose its glow and get dull and discoloured. Sun exposure, Chloasma, freckles and scars due to acne are just a few reasons. Although not a life-threatening issue, people with dull and darkened facial skin usually consider it a life-altering one, leading to feelings of inadequacy and decreased self-confidence. This, in most cases, leads to the haphazard use of cosmetics and medicated ointments. However, only temporary results are usually found and in some cases injudicious use of such products may even aggravate the condition.

This brings us to the scope of Homeopathic treatment in such cases. We can confidently say that homeopathic remedies for clear and glowing skin are totally free from any side effects and are extremely effective in treating this problem. The medicines used are all natural and, thus, free from any harmful components. Their selection is based upon the individual constitution of the patient, and success is attained by employing the constitutional remedy internally. No external application is applied or recommended.

As the condition has arisen due to a disturbance in the internal balance of the body and not due to any external factor, the medicine too must work from inside to clear the skin. This result is gained through homeopathic remedies which raise the inner vitality of the person and throw out any noxious agent in the body which may be the cause behind dull and discoloured skin. The result—fair, clear and glowing skin is regained.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for clear and glowing skin

Berberis Aquifolium – Top homeopathic remedy for clear facial complexion

Berberis Aquifolium is a natural homeopathic remedy that attains the uppermost rank in homeopathy for clearing facial complexion. Berberis Aquifolium can be used in all the cases where the skin is dark or has scars due to acne or any other conditions. This medicine never fails to bring a glow to the skin and lighten the complexion. I consider it as the first choice of medicine in cases where a clear facial complexion is desired. It has shown very promising results, and given complete satisfaction to my patients as well as me. To sum up, I would call Berberis Aquifolium a ‘precious gem’ in homeopathy to attain fair, clear and glowing skin.

Sulphur – A wonderful homeopathic medicine that can clear dull and dirty skin

Another wonderful homeopathic treatment for attaining clear skin is Sulphur. This medicine has gained much popularity and acclaim in homeopathic treatment for various skin troubles. Sulphur is a deep-acting remedy that helps in removing the very core of the affliction. Sulphur is used when the skin is unhealthy, looks dirty and dull, or is dry and scaly. Sulphur helps to make the skin healthy and nourishes the skin to give it a glow. Sulphur is also prescribed for various eruptions (mostly pimples with dull and dirty look). This remedy helps in clearing pimples and any scars left by them. Apart from dirty and dull skin, the person may have excessive heat in the whole body, especially in the palms, soles of the feet, in the face or in the head. An extra craving for sweets may be shown by subjects who need Sulphur. A dislike towards washing the skin and bathing may be found in cases ideal for using Sulphur. Lastly, persons coming for homeopathic treatment after the injudicious use of external applications of different varieties (including medicated soaps and ointments) should be given no remedy other than Sulphur. Here Sulphur will help in bringing out the most prominent symptoms individual to a person which will serve as a guide towards finding a suitable remedy.

Psorinum – This homeopathic remedy is ideal for clearing the complexion in subjects with oily/greasy/ dark facial skin

Psorinum is the appropriate homeopathic remedy for people with oily or greasy facial skin which has a dark and dirty look. The face may also show pimples due to highly active oil-producing sebaceous glands on the face. Here Psorinum will help to clear the pimples and dark skin and control the excessive oiliness of the skin. Psorinum will deep-cleanse the skin pores on the face making it oil-free, clear and glowing. High sensitivity towards cold air may be found in persons needing Psorinum. Offensive perspiration may also be a complaint.

Bovista – This is the best solution for clearing damaged skin caused by the haphazard use of cosmetics products

Facial pimples, dark skin or any other skin affection caused by the injudicious use of cosmetic products can benefit from the use of the homeopathic remedy Bovista which is used to clear the skin. Bovista holds a significant place among homeopathic medicines for the treatment of skin problems consequent to the excessive use of cosmetics. Bovista helps in clearing facial skin and makes it look bright and glowing. It also removes pimples or other afflictions resulting from the use of cosmetics.

Sepia – An excellent homeopathic remedy for clearing skin that has discoloured due to Chloasma

Chloasma refers to brown or black discoloration on the skin of the face, mainly seen in women during pregnancy or in women with hormonal imbalance and menstrual irregularities. Chloasma may also be the resultant outcome of liver disease. The best homeopathic remedy for clearing Chloasma is Sepia. Sepia work wonders in ladies who have black or brown spots on the face during or post pregnancy. It also works well for women who have discoloration on the face due to uterine afflictions and irregular menstrual cycle of varying degrees. Most women who need Sepia in Chloasma show marked discoloration on the nose and the cheeks. Sepia always shows the best results in such cases of Chloasma. No other treatment can equal it in clearing these discoloured Chloasma spots and returning the healthy glowing charm of the skin, without any side effects.

Silicea and Kali Bromatum—homeopathic remedies for clearing facial scars resulting from pimples

Both these remedies are recommended for a clear skin and for removing scars caused by pimples. Silicea is mainly recommended where deep-seated acne containing pus have resulted in disfiguring scars on the face. It also works where deep pits on the face have resulted from acne. Silicea shows great promise in clearing these pits and scars and making the skin clear. Kali Bromatum is useful in cases where hard indurated pimples have resulted in facial scarring and discolouration. Kali Bromatum works well in clearing scars and bringing back fairness that has been lost due to disfiguring scars, to the skin.

Natrum Mur, Lycopodium and Phosphorus – Homeopathic remedies for clearing skin affected with freckles

Freckles refer to pigmentation on the skin, usually on the face, occurring due to prolonged exposure to the sun. This is due to a collection of melanin pigment under the skin resulting in discoloured spots on the face and other skin areas that have been exposed to the sun. The spots may vary from brown to black in colour. These medicines are always selected according to the constitution of the patient and help to remove freckles and make the skin clean and clear. The constitutional symptoms are all different and peculiar for each of these medicines. A few symptoms are listed below:

  • A person who needs Natrum Mur has hot temperament with intolerance to the heat of the sun. He may also crave salty things. Usually the person is reserved in nature and may show a tendency to weep easily.
  • The constitutional symptoms for selecting Lycopodium include a desire for sweets or warm food and warm drinks. Chronic gastric troubles of varying character may also be found in subjects needing Lycopodium.
  • Phosphorus may be needed when a person has a craving for ice-creams, juices or cold drinks. Such a person is also sensitive to external impressions like noise, light and odours.

These are only glimpses of the symptoms, out of a huge list of constitutional symptoms. Apart from these many other symptoms may need to be considered before selecting these remedies. That is where a good homeopath comes in. He will ask for details and work on a comprehensive case study before deciding the medicine most appropriate for you.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Urticaria

Homeopathic medicines urticaria are very effective in treating it . Homeopathic mode of treatment heals skin diseases effectively, following a mild and safe approach. Homeopathic medicines follow a curative rather than a suppressive approach while treating urticaria. Homeopathy treats urticaria in two phases. In the first phase, the acute episode of urticaria is treated. In the second phase, Homeopathic medicines treat the chronic tendency towards urticaria. Homeopathic medicines for each case of urticaria are selected based on individual symptoms. Some top names of homeopathic medicines for urticaria are  Apis Mellifica, Urtica Urens, Astacus Fluviatilis and Natrum Mur.

Homeopathic Medicines for Urticaria

Apis Mellifica – Top grade Homeopathic medicine for urticaria

Apis Mellifica is one of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for treating urticaria. Apis Mellifica is best prescribed for urticaria when symptoms include marked itching and burning. A characteristic stinging pain in the urticarial eruptions is also observed. The skin is extremely sensitive to the touch. Homeopathic medicine Apis Mellifica is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for urticaria that gets triggered in heat. Going out in open air or cold applications bring some relief. Apis Mellifica is also a top rated Homeopathic medicine for urticaria that arises following insect bite.

Natrum Mur – Most Suitable Homeopathic Remedy for urticaria triggered by exercise and sun exposure

For treating urticaria triggered by exercise, Homeopathic remedy Natrum Mur is a great option. The person who needs Natrum Mur will get large hives on the skin from exertion. This is attended with violent itching and burning. Natrum Mur is also one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for solar urticaria that arises from exposure to the sun.

 Astacus Fluviatilis – Excellent Homeopathic medicine for urticaria

Homeopathic medicines Urtica Urens and Astacus Fluviatilis work wonders in treating urticaria. The choice between the two is made based on unique symptoms. Urticaria that appears every year, in the same season, is best treated with Homeopathic medicine Urtica Urens. Another key symptom associated with Urtica Urens is urticaria with intense burning and formication on the skin. Urtica Urens also shows great results in urticaria that alternates with rheumatism. Apart from this, Urtica Urens is also the ideal Homeopathic medicine for treating urticaria from eating shell fish. Homeopathic medicine Astacus Fluviatilis is well indicated where urticaria is attended with liver complaints. The person prescribed Astacus Fluviatilis will have itching over his entire body, with marked stinging sensation on the skin.

Rhus Tox and Sepia Succus – Wonderful Homeopathic medicines for urticaria from cold exposure (cold induced urticaria )

Rhus Tox and Sepia Succus are highly effective Homeopathic medicines for treating urticaria resulting from exposure to cold. Marked sensitivity to cold is found in persons needing Rhus Tox and Sepia Succus. Key symptoms that will decide in favour of Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox is urticaria from cold exposure with itching and smarting sensation. Warm applications provide some relief from itching. The characteristic symptom to look out for while prescribing Sepia Succus is urticaria from going in cool open air. Being in a warm room brings relief. Urticarial eruptions with itching, which is not relieved by scratching, is another guiding feature for use of Homeopathic medicine Sepia Succus.

Sulphur and Apis Mellifica – Effective Homeopathic Remedies for urticaria triggered by heat

Persons with urticaria that gets triggered by exposure to heat will benefit greatly from Homeopathic medicines Sulphur and Apis Mellifica. Homeopathic medicine Sulphur is selected for urticarial eruptions arising from heat exposure and attended with itching and burning. Scratching worsens the itching. In some cases, even washing may worsen the itching. Most persons prescribed Sulphur will notice a worsening of itching towards the evening. Homeopathic medicine Sulphur is also the best solution for urticaria cases that have been suppressed with ointments in the past. Apis Mellifica is rated among the best Homeopathic medicines for urticaria triggered by heat, with marked itching, burning, and stinging in the eruptions. Cold applications may bring relief from symptoms in some cases. Some persons prescribed Homeopathic medicine Apis Mellifica for urticaria will feel better by going out in open air.

Bovista Lycoperdon and Calcarea Phos – Well indicated Homeopathic medicines for urticaria triggered by water

Bovista Lycoperdon and Calcarea Phos are prominently indicated Homeopathic medicines for treating urticaria set off by coming into contact with water (water induced urticaria). Some features unique to Bovista Lycoperdon are urticaria on waking in the morning time and attended with diarrhoea. Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Phosphorica is suggested where contact with cold water leads to urticarial eruptions.

Rhus Tox and Dulcamara – Useful Homeopathic medicines for urticaria from scratching (dermatographic urticaria)

For urticaria from severe scratching, Rhus Tox and Dulcamara are very useful Homeopathic medicines. Where urticaria leads to red, swollen skin with itching, burning and smarting, you know Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox will show best results. Rubbing worsens the symptoms in this case. Rhus Tox is also well indicated for urticaria resulting from getting wet. Homeopathic medicine Dulcamara is the best choice in case of violent itching in the urticarial eruptions. Use of Dulcamara is also suggested for urticaria arising from exposure to cold and that which gets triggered in wet weather.

Homeopathic medicines for Urticaria

Which Homeopathic medicines are most effective for urticaria?

Among the prominently indicated Homeopathic medicines for urticarial, the most effective include – Apis Mellifica, Urtica Urens and Astacus Fluviatilis. Homeopathic medicine Apis Mellifica is useful for urticaria with marked itching, burning and stinging sensation. Urtica Urens is the best medicine to treat urticaria from eating shell fish. It is also indicated for urticaria alternating with rheumatism. Homeopathic medicine Astacus Fluviatilis is suggested for cases of urticaria associated with liver complaints.

I have urticaria that gets triggered by exposure to cold. Which Homeopathic medicine will suit me?

For urticaria which gets triggered by exposure to cold, Homeopathic medicines Rhus Tox and Sepia Succus come highly recommended.

Which is the best Homeopathic medicine for treating urticaria that gets triggered by heat (heat induced urticaria)?

Sulphur and Apis Mellifica are two very reliable names to treat urticaria triggered by heat. Homeopathic medicine Sulphur is indicated where urticaria is attended with intense itching. The itching gets worse in the evening. Apis Mellifica is an excellent Homeopathic medicine where a typical stinging sensation arises on the skin in urticaria.

Which Homeopathic medicines can I take for urticaria that gets worse with exercise?

Among the various Homeopathic medicines for treating urticaria that worsens with exercise, the most appropriate choice is Natrum Mur.

Can Homeopathic medicines treat urticaria triggered by contact with water?

Yes, Homeopathic medicines remain highly successful in treating urticaria that gets triggered by coming in contact with water. The most prominent Homeopathic medicines for treating such a condition are Bovista Lycoperdon and Calcarea Phos.

I get hives in wet weather. Is there a Homeopathic medicine for my condition?

Yes, Homeopathic medicine Dulcamara will be most helpful for your condition.  Dulcamara is one of the most well recognised Homeopathic medicines for treating hives appearing in wet weather.

Is there a Homeopathic medicine for treating urticaria that gets triggered from exposure to the sun (solar urticaria)?

Yes, there are medicines in Homeopathy that can help to treat solar urticaria. The Homeopathic medicine that comes highly recommended for sun induced urticaria is Natrum Mur.

Is there a Homeopathic medicine for urticaria triggered by food products?

Yes, Homeopathy does help treat urticaria triggered by taking certain foods. For Urticaria triggered by taking shell fish, Homeopathic medicine Urtica Urens is recommended. For urticaria from eating strawberries, Homeopathic medicine Fragaria will work better. Antimonium Crudum will best treat urticaria triggered by eating meat while in cases where alcohol sets off the urticarial, Homeopathic medicine Chloralum Hydratum will be the best remedy.

I have dermatographic urticaria. The constant scratching is painful. Which Homeopathic medicine can I take?

Homeopathic medicines Rhus Tox and Dulcamara will work wonderfully well to heal urticaria from constant scratching.

 What is urticaria?

Urticaria is a skin disease characterised by raised bumps, wheals over the skin. The bumps vary in size and last from a few hours to several days. Once the episode of urticaria is over, no skin changes remain. In most cases, urticaria arises from an allergic reaction.

How do I know if I have urticaria?

A person having urticaria will have raised bumps of varying size on the skin. This is attended with marked itching, stinging and burning sensation. Urticaria can be acute or chronic. Urticaria lasting less than six weeks is termed as acute urticaria. Urticaria that lasts more than six weeks is referred to as chronic urticaria.

What causes urticaria?

In most cases, urticaria is the result of an allergic reaction. Allergy is basically a hypersensitive reaction in a person to a substance to which they are allergic.  In urticaria, this allergic reaction arises mainly from insect bites, certain medicines (NSAID’s, and antibiotics) and food products such as nuts, fish and strawberries. Urticaria arises from the release of histamines and other inflammatory mediators into the skin. Other factors that can trigger an episode of urticarial are – exposure to cold/heat, sun exposure, pressure, exercise, stress and contact with water.

What kind of food products lead to urticaria?

Eggs, shellfish, nuts, chocolates, strawberries, alcohol and caffeine usually have the potential to treat urticaria.

What is cholinergic urticaria?

Cholinergic urticarial, also known as stress urticarial, is a type of urticaria where sweating leads to the formation of bumps on the skin. Exercising and being present in a hot environment are the main triggers for cholinergic urticaria.

What does the term cold urticaria mean?

Cold urticaria refers to urticaria that arises from exposure to cold or damp environmental condition.

I get wheals on skin from scratching, what could it be?

If you are getting wheals on skin from scratching, then there is a good chance that it could be dermatographic urticaria. In dermatographic urticaria, wheals appear on the skin a few minutes after scratching. These wheals, also known as flares, usually subside in around 30 minutes.

Can coming in contact with water lead to urticaria?

Yes, there are cases where coming into contact with water leads to urticaria. This type of urticaria is termed as water induced urticaria.

What does the term solar urticaria mean?

The urticaria that gets triggered from exposure to sun is referred to as solar urticaria. In such cases, wheals appear on the skin surface that is exposed to the sun.

What does investigation of urticarial involve?

A case of urticaria can be easily diagnosed by the appearance of skin rash. In cases where allergies are the suspected cause of urticaria, allergy tests must be conducted.

What is angioedema?

Angioedema is a condition arising from an allergic reaction caused by the release of histamines and other chemicals into the blood stream. In angioedema, the swelling appears under the skin instead of on the surface as in case of urticaria. The swelling appears mainly around the eyes or lips, sometimes in the hands, feet and genitals. In some cases, angioedema involves the throat and tongue, thus blocking the airways. Such cases of angioedema are life threatening and need to be treated as a medical emergency.

Can Homeopathy Treat my urticaria permanently?

Yes Homeopathic medicines offer a effective solution for urticaria. The duration to the treatment will vary from case to case. Factors such as intensity, frequency and duration of urticaria decide the course of treatment under Homeopathy.

 Can lifestyle changes help manage urticaria?

Yes, lifestyle changes can make a big difference and even prevent urticaria. The best way to prevent urticaria is to know the triggers and avoid them. Some known triggers for urticaria are cold, heat, exercise, stress. A person who is allergic to certain food products which lead to urticaria could restrict their consumption. Medication that leads to urticaria must be avoided at all cost. Stay away from harsh soaps while washing and bathing. Also, avoid bathing with very warm or very cold water. Wear loose, comfortable clothes.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Top 5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Dry Skin

Dry skin can lead to itching, scratching, bleeding, parched lips, cracked skin and even wrinkles, but worse than all these symptoms, it can really affect the psyche of a person, making him or her very self-conscious about the physical appearance and lowering the confidence levels as a result. The intensity of skin dryness can vary from mild dryness to severe dryness with cracks. Bleeding may also occur from cracks and in a few persons, dry skin can be accompanied by wrinkling of skin. Winter season mainly marks the onset of dry skin. There is no shortage of advertisements regarding creams and lotions which claim to be ‘cures’ of dry skin, but all these are only very temporary solutions which fail to strike at the root of the problem. Homeopathy offers a very effective mode of treatment of dry skin. The dry skin is treated with natural medicines in Homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies for Dry Skin are totally free from any side effect and act as a natural source to nourish the skin, remove the dryness and replenish the skin’s normal texture.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Dry Skin

Petroleum: Homeopathic medicine best for winter care of dry skin

The top Homeopathic medicine to deal with dry skin occurring in winters is Petroleum. The main symptoms for the use of this natural Homeopathic remedy are dry, rough and cracked skin. The skin feels harsh to touch. Petroleum, thus, is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for dry skin in winter season and is of great help in restoring the normal texture of skin. Petroleum also gives excellent results in persons who have cracks on hands due to extremely dry skin. The skin is sensitive and rough to touch. The cracks can be deep enough to cause even bleeding.[toc]

Sulphur: Top Homeopathic medicine for dry, itchy skin      

Sulphur is the best natural Homeopathic remedy for dry, itchy skin. Sulphur is very beneficial in all those cases where the skin is excessively dry and itchy. Itching leads to scratching and itching usually worsens at night. Another feature for using Homeopathic medicine Sulphur for treatment of dry skin is a burning sensation in skin. The skin also looks very dirty and is very unhealthy. An aversion to bathing may be noticed in people needing Sulphur. This Homeopathic medicine will help to get rid of itching as well as dryness of skin.

Bryonia: Homeopathic remedy for dry, chapped lips

Dry and chapped lips can be best treated with natural Homeopathic medicine Bryonia. This Homeopathic remedy is very beneficial for treatment of dry and parched lips. Cracks appear on lips and Homeopathic medicine Bryonia heals the chapped lips and restores them to their normal state. Excessive thirst may be felt by patients needing Bryonia for treatment of dry lips.

Sarsaparilla: Homeopathic Treatment for dry skin with wrinkles

The best natural Homeopathic treatment for dry skin with wrinkles is Sarsaparilla. It is a very beneficial Homeopathic treatment when the skin is dry to a great extent with a shrunken and shrivelled appearance. The skin is hard and rough to touch. The skin also seems to be present in folds with wrinkles. Homeopathic remedy Sarsaparilla nourishes the skin to bring back its original smoothness.

Malandrium: Homeopathic medicine for cracks on hands and feet

Malandrium is the ideal natural Homeopathic medicine for treatment of skin with cracks on hands and feet. The cracks appearing in winter season respond very well to this medicine. Malandrium, thus, is the best Homeopathic remedy for all the patients who have dry, cracked skin on feet and hands. Itching may also be an accompanying feature. Malandrium very efficiently helps in filling up these cracked areas and bringing the skin back to its normal, healthy condition.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Homeopathic Remedies For Excessive Sweating

Homeopathic Remedies For Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating can not only be an embarrassment, but it also leads to having a very uncomfortable feeling. Excessive sweating, in fact, is a medical condition and is termed hyperhidrosis. When there is excessive sweating over the entire body and not just the chest, upper torso and back, it is called generalised hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating on specific parts is called focal hyperhidrosis. The normal events that leave a person perspiring are physical exertion and exposure to heat. The medical conditions associated with high perspiration include fever, thyroid gland dysfunction, tuberculosis and menopause. In some persons, emotional factors like anxiety and fear play a leading role. When excessive sweating is associated with bad odour, it is referred to as bromhidrosis. Homeopathic medicines are of great help in the treatment of excessive sweating. These natural Homeopathic remedies for excessive sweating are completely safe and treat the problem of excessive sweating for good. There are no half measures in Homeopathy. The natural medicines ensure that the problem is rooted out.

Homeopathic Treatment for Excessive Sweating

Persons suffering from increased or excessive sweating can hugely benefit by the use of natural Homeopathic medicines. Those suffering from excessive sweating are in the habit of using anti-perspirants to tackle the problem. But this is just a temporary, short-term measure and is not a treatment at all. It just suppresses the problem. Natural Homeopathic remedies for excessive sweating , on the other hand, ensure that the problem is eradicated from its root. With the use of the most suitable Homeopathic medicines, excessive sweating can be properly treated. While selecting the Homeopathic medicine which works best for each individual, the site of increased sweat, its association with bad smell and the causative factor are given high importance. Along with these symptoms, the constitutional features — both physical and mental symptoms — are also given equal importance to prescribe the most efficient Homeopathic remedy for each individual.

Top natural Homeopathic Remedies for Excessive Sweating

Calcarea Carb: Best Homeopathic remedy for excessive sweating on scalp

Homeopathic remedy Calcarea Carb is the top natural  remedy for profuse sweating on the scalp. The persons who can greatly benefit by the use of Calcarea Carb have high perspiration on the scalp. Even while sleeping, there is profuse sweating on the scalp, leaving the pillow extremely wet. Calcarea Carb helps in controlling the sweat of scalp. Apart from excessive sweat on scalp, a few constitutional symptoms for selecting Calcarea Carb are sensitivity to cold air and the extreme desire for boiled eggs. A few persons needing Calcarea Carb may have a craving for strange things like chalk, lime and pencils. Calcarea Carb is also the ideal Homeopathic medicine when excessive sweating has an accompanying symptom: chronic constipation.

Silicea: Top Homeopathic remedy for excessive sweating on feet, hands and armpits

Various natural Homeopathic medicines are effective in controlling excessive sweating on hands, feet and armpits, but Silicea tops the list. Silicea is a very beneficial Homeopathic remedy for controlling sweat of feet, hands and armpits. The sweat is extremely offensive in character. Silicea is the perfect Homeopathic medicine for persons with offensive sweaty feet. In a few persons, the sweat on the feet has a sour or putrid odour. Silicea is also of great help for persons who have excessive sweating on hands, posing a difficulty in writing and grasping objects. It is also the most appropriate Homeopathic remedy for foul smelling sweat in armpits. The constitutional mental picture of the person who can really benefit from Homeopathic remedy Silicea is irritable sensitive nature, nervousness and obstinate character.

Psorinum and Sulphur: Homeopathic remedies for excessive sweating over whole body

Both Psorinum and Sulphur are the ideal natural homeopathic remedies for hyperhidrosis with highly offensive odour. Psorinum is very beneficial for persons who cannot tolerate cold air even in hot weather. Sulphur, on the other hand, is best suited for persons who have excessive sweating and are sensitive to heat. Such a person cannot tolerate a hot environment. They also have excessive heat in palms, soles and head with increased sweating. Hot and cold sensitivity remains the basic feature for selecting one out of these two Homeopathic remedies for excessive sweating over the whole body. After selecting the ideal remedy, the worst cases of offensive sweating can be treated.

Merc Sol: Homeopathic treatment for excessive sweating over whole body at night

Natural Homeopathic medicine Merc Sol is one of the best treatment for sweating profusely over the whole body that worsens at night. The sweat is offensive or sour in nature. Weakness also accompanies profuse sweating. Apart from increased sweating, the other symptoms for persons who can greatly benefit from Merc Sol are an increase in thirst, excessive salivation and profuse sweating.

Top Homeopathic medicines for dealing with offensive sweat in armpits

The best natural Homeopathic medicines for treating offensive armpit sweat are Silicea, Sulphur, Bovista and Hepar Sulph. Silicea is one of the best Homeopathic remedies to get rid of offensive sweat in the armpits. An accompanying symptom is being sensitive to cold air. Sulphur is the suitable Homeopathic remedy for persons with foul armpit sweat who have heated sensations in palms and soles. Garlic-like smelling sweat from armpits may also be treated with Homeopathic medicine Sulphur. Homeopathic remedy Bovista is the best natural medicine for diminishing onion-like offensive sweat from armpits. Homeopathic medicine Hepar Sulph is of great help in the treatment of foul-smelling sweat from armpits which leaves a yellow stain on clothes.

Natural Homeopathic medicines for dealing with offensive sweat on feet          

The top natural Homeopathic remedies to treat offensive sweating on the feet are Silicea, Sulphur and Graphites. Silicea is the best Homeopathic medicine to get rid of offensive foot sweat. An accompanying symptom can be cold feet with sweat. Sulphur is the ideal Homeopathic medicine for foul sweat on feet with heat in soles of feet. Graphites is the best Homeopathic choice when cracks appear in between toes due to excessive sweating on feet with a foul smell.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Homeopathic Medicines For Heat Rash

The sun’s rays can prove to be harmful for the body if precautions are not taken. Heat rash is one such skin condition that calls for medical intervention. Heat rash mostly occurs in hot weather conditions and is common in people who sweat profusely. Prickly heat or miliaria refers to tiny eruptions on the skin because of obstruction of ducts of sweat glands. The result is severe pricking and itching. The eruptions are red papular or fluid-filled vesicular in nature. In some persons, pus may appear in eruption (pustules). The eruption of heat rash is mainly on the neck, chest, back and abdomen. In infants, heat rash is very common and may appear even when the temperature is not warm mainly due to the kid being over-dressed. When the disease is mild and the eruption does not itch, it is referred in medical terms as miliaria crystallina (sudamina). When the eruptions have a marked prickling, itching and burning sensation, it is termed miliaria rubra. The itching and prickling increase as any work is done that results in the sweating process. The severest form that appears due to repeated attacks of miliaria rubra is called miliaria profunda in which non-itching eruptions are present, but the burning sensation is marked. Homeopathic remedies are very efficient in the treatment of heat rash. The common practice of applying prickly heat powder just gives a very temporary relief. Homeopathic remedies for heat rash are made of natural substances and they not only provide relief from heat rash, but also ensure that the root cause is taken care of and heat rash does not recur.

Homeopathic Treatment for Heat Rash

The natural Homeopathic medicines are of great help in the treatment of heat rash. Itching and pricking are brought down by Homeopathic remedies, which are completely free from any side effects. TheHomeopathic medicines then work to decrease the tendency to have heat rash each time hot weather appears.The natural Homeopathic treatment for heat rash is a very safe treatment for heat rash in infants and children.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Heat Rash

Apis Mellifica: Best Homeopathic medicine for heat rash with prickling, stinging and burning sensation

Apis Mellifica is among the best Homeopathic remedies for bringing relief from the burning, stinging and severe prickling heat rash. It always shows its proficiency in soothing the burning and prickling sensation in heat rash cases. The skin eruptions are very sensitive to touch and the skin is red. The desire and tendency to bathe in cold water and uncover for relief from the burning sensation are the key factors that call for the use of Homeopathic medicine Apis Mellifica. The person feels worse when he or she is in a warm room and looks for cool open air to get relief.

Sulphur: Homeopathic remedy for heat rash with itching and burning

The top natural Homeopathic remedy for relieving itching and burning in heat rash is Sulphur. The skin shows eruptions, either pimples or pustules, with itching. Scratching the eruptions is the general relieving factor found in a majority of persons needing Sulphur. The worst time for the patient, when the itching and burning get intolerable, is night. Getting warm in bed excites the itching. A marked aversion to bathing is found in persons who benefit with the use of Homeopathic medicine Sulphur in heat rash cases. Also, washing and bathing heighten the itching in such persons. A characteristic feature that may also show its presence is intense heat in palms and soles.

Natrum Mur: Homeopathic treatment for heat rash that worsens with exertion

Natrum Mur is the ideal natural Homeopathy remedy for heat rash that gets worse with exertion. Natrum Mur can be taken in all those cases of heat rash where eruptions and itching increase with exertion in physical activities. A marked shooting pain appears in the eruptions following exertion. Itching, stinging and pricking sensation are also prominent. Another worsening factor for using Natrum Mur is heat of sun. Natrum Mur is a powerful Homeopathic medicine for heat rash which gets aggravated from sun exposure. In such cases,Natrum Mur is of great help in providing relief from itching and pricking. The relief in itching and pricking is also usually felt while going in open air. Apart from these symptoms, the person needing Natrum Mur may have a high craving for salty food.

Hepar Sulph: Homeopathic remedy for heat rash with pus- containing eruptions

Heat rash with pus-containing eruptions on skin is very effectively treated by natural Homeopathic remedy Hepar Sulph. This Homeopathic medicine is prescribed when a person has very sensitive pustules on skin with intense pricking and burning stinging sensation. The pustules are sensitive to the slightest touch. Here, Hepar Sulph helps in reducing the stinging pricking as well to dry up the eruptions. Excessive perspiration is present in almost all persons needing Hepar Sulph.

Aconite and Chamomilla: Homeopathic remedies for heat rash in infants and children

Natural Homeopathic medicines Aconite and Chamomilla are considered the best medicines for heat rash in infants and children. Aconite is ideal when red pimples with itching appear on the body. The child gets restless with the itching and feels good in open air. The itching worsens in a warm room. The child also may demand water in large quantities. Chamomilla is the best Homeopathic remedy for children who have heat rash with itching that gets worseat night. The child shows utmost irritability along with itching. The child may also show a desire for being carried by parents in most cases.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Homeopathic Remedies for Dark Circle Under the Eyes

Dark Circles around or under eyes is an indication of ill-health. There are no clear-cut reasons why dark rings ranging from bluish to blackish colour appear around or under the eyes. There are, however, various factors that are linked to appearance of Dark Circles. The first factor is that this condition runs in families or is hereditary. The second common factor is sleep deprivation and fatigue. Stress too can lead to Dark Circles. Dark Circles also appear as a normal part of the ageing process. Other factors associated with Dark Circles include allergy, eczema with itching, scratching or rubbing of eyes, anemia, and in rare cases, it may point towards liver troubles. Homeopathy has a very effective treatment for Dark Circles. The natural Homeopathic remedies for dark circles are completely safe with no side effects and they work to eliminate the root cause of Dark Circles.

Homeopathic treatment for Dark Circles

Homeopathic mode is of great help in treating Dark Circles. The treatment is possible with natural Homeopathic medicines without any external applications. The Homeopathic medicines are recommended after looking at every individual case and taking into account any associated factor linked with Dark Circles and the symptoms. Homeopathic treatment for dark circles can work wonders in treating Dark Circle cases, but the time it takes to do away with Dark Circles varies for each individual. It takes a longer time to treat Dark Circles in persons who have had these since long than those who have seen the emergence of Dark Circles not so long ago.

Top Homeopathic remedies for Dark Circles

Phosphoric Acid: Best natural Homeopathic remedy for Dark Circles due to fatigue 

Phosphoric Acid is the top Homeopathic remedy for Dark Circles around or below eyes due to fatigue. The eyes are surrounded with bluish rings. The person needing Phosphoric Acid is very weak. If the weakness shows in both the physical and mental planes, Phosphoric Acid is the natural Homeopathic medicine. The face of such a person appears pale and the eyes are surrounded by bluish rings. The person also looks very tired and fatigued. Weakness arising out of sexual excesses is also included as a causative factor. A history of mental grief associated with Dark Circles often suggests the use of Homeopathic remedy Phosphoric Acid. The person shows a marked weariness and is exhausted either mentally or physically or both. The combination of two hallmark symptoms suggesting the use of Homeopathic remedy Phosphoric Acid is marked weakness and Dark Circles around eyes.

Ferrum Met: Homeopathic remedy for Dark Circles linked to anemia

Ferrum Met is a natural Homeopathic remedy for a variety of conditions troubling a person with anemia. Anemia is referred to the lack of blood in the body. Consequent to lack of blood in body, the oxygenation in body tissue is decreased, leading to a number of symptoms and Dark Circles is one of them. The face appears pale in anemic conditions and the veins under the eyes stand dominantly with a bluish appearance. Ferrum Met is very beneficial Homeopathic remedy for anemic patients suffering from various disorders. The issue of Dark Circles around eyes is best solved with the use of Ferrum Met and this Homeopathic remedy can be safely used when Dark Circlesare linked to anemia. The face gives a pale appearance with prominent Dark Circles around the eyes. General weakness due to decreased blood is also noted in most persons requiring Ferrum Met.

Cina: Homeopathic medicine for Dark Circles in children

Cina is the most popular natural Homeopathic medicine because of its frequent use in a variety of troubles faced by children. Even for Dark Circles appearing in children, Cina is very beneficial. Cina is a wonderful Homeopathic remedy for children who have Dark Circles around their eyes. Majority of children needing this Homeopathic medicine show a marked irritability in their nature. They are very cross and obstinate. They desire various kinds of things and will not rest and let others rest till their demands are met. This marked irritability and obstinacy reaches the utmost levels along with the appearance of Dark Circles. Another complaint that can be present in children with dark rings is worm infestation. In children with worms, weakness and anemic condition are common. Such children remain weak in spite of having a good appetite. The food taken by them serves as meals for the worms, which do not allow the children to gain weight and make them weak. The weakness is also reflected in the face with its pale appearance and dark circles. Homeopathic medicine Cina should always be considered as a first line of treatment in cases of Dark Circles in children.

Natural Homeopathic remedies for Dark Circles around the eyes

For dealing with Dark Circles around the eyes, the best natural Homeopathic medicines are Berberis Vulgaris, Acetic Acid, Lycopodium and Natrum Carb. Berberis Vulgaris is of great help for treatment of blue rings around eyes when the cheeks are sunken and the face also gives a pale tint. The face appears sick. Acetic Acid is a good Homeopathic remedy when the face shows marks of weakness with a wax-like coating and eyes are surrounded with bluish circles. The eyes also appear sunken. Lycopodium is the ideal Homeopathic medicine if the face appears greyish yellow with bluish circles surrounding the eyes. Otherwise, Lycopodium is a commonly used remedy for gastric ailments. Natrum Carb is a good Homeopathic medicine when the eyes show swelling along with blue rings around eyes.

Homeopathic treatment for Dark Circles under the eyes

The natural Homeopathic medicines that treat Dark Circles below the eyes are Phosphorus, Ferrum Met and Sepia. Phosphorus is of great help to treat Dark Circles under the eyes with a pale face. The rings under eyes appear bluish with a sickly appearance of the face. Ferrum Met is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for Dark Circles under the eyes in persons who are suffering from anemia. Weakness also makes its appearance in persons needing Ferrum Met. Homeopathic medicine Sepia is usually prescribed for women who have dark rings under the eyes. Such women usually have some sort of history regarding irregularity in their menstrual cycle. They may also have black discoloration on cheeks and nose (Chloasma) in addition to Dark Circles below the eyes.

Homeopathic medicines for Dark Circles linked to anemia

Ferrum Met, China and Natrum Mur are the best natural Homeopathic remedies to treat Dark Circles in anemic patients. Ferrum Met is used in general when the face is pale with surrounding Dark Circles around the eyes. Homeopathic medicine China is used when dark rings around eyes have appeared due to anemia arising out of sudden blood loss. The blood loss may be from any part of body, either traumatic or due to some underlying tissue pathology in the body. Natrum Mur is the Homeopathic remedy when the face appears greasy and shiny with dominant dark rings around the eyes. The eyelids may also show swelling. Craving for salty things if noted should be considered a top rank symptom to select Natrum Mur over other remedies.

Homeopathic remedies for Dark Circles due to stress

Kali Phos is the best natural Homeopathic remedy for Dark Circles due to stress. The person needing Homeopathic medicine Kali Phos is constantly in a worried state and is under depression with appearance of Dark Circles. Kali Phos is the top Homeopathic medicine that acts as a proper supplement for persons who are exhausted and stressed with dark rings.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Homeopathic Remedies For Sinus Infections

Waking up with a headache, and on top of it a blocked nose is a rough start to the day. If this becomes a routine occurrence and even the face hurts with general heaviness in the head, it’s a medical condition called Sinusitis. Sinuses are air-filled cavities within the skull bone. These hollow spaces in the skull are situated in cheek bones, forehead, behind the bridge of the nose and between the eyes. Another set is situated in the upper region of the nose and behind the eyes. All the sinuses have the same lining that is present in the nose. This lining produces mucus, which is drained out of the sinuses through an opening in the nose. When a person has cold or allergy, swelling in the nose and sinuses can cause the drainage to get blocked. This results in the mucus being trapped in the sinuses, leading to the growth of bacteria and viruses. The inflammation of these sinuses is referred to as Sinusitis. The Homeopathic mode of treatment can completely cure Sinusitis, though it does take time. The Homeopathic remedies for sinus infections, are made of natural substances and have zero side effects, which rebuild the body’s immunity to Sinusitis.

Symptoms of Sinusitis

The symptoms of Sinusitis depend upon the sinus that gets affected. The symptoms include morning headache, blocked sensation in the nose, and heaviness and pain in the facial bones. Inflammation in the sinuses behind the bridge of the nose and in between the eyes can lead to swelling in the eyelids and the tissues around the eyes. Inflammation in the maxillary sinuses can result in pain in the upper jaw and teeth. Symptoms of severe sinus infection may be accompanied by nasal congestion, running nose, fever, tiredness and cough that may aggravate at night. Post-nasal dripping of mucus can cause problems in the throat too.

Homeopathic Treatment for Sinus Infection

Homeopathic medicines can be of great help in the treatment of Sinusitis. The natural Homeopathic mode of treatment aims at rebuilding the body’s immunity to Sinusitis. The Homeopathic treatment for sinusitis can completely cure the chronicity and recurrence of Sinusitis, though it may take some time.

Top natural Homeopathic Remedies for Sinus Infections

Silicea: One of the Best Homeopathic remedies for Sinus Infections with headache 

Silicea is one of the best homeopathic remedies for  sinus infection. The sinus headache mainly on the right side is best treated with Silicea. The patient requiring Silicea feels chilly and is very sensitive to cold air. Covering up warmly provides relief. One prominent indication for using Homeopathic medicine Silicea in sinus cases is nasal stuffiness. The nasal discharges get clogged in hard crusts. On attempting to loosen these crusts, there is bleeding. Silicea is the top Homeopathic remedy for treating symptoms of serious sinus infection, where all sinuses are infected simultaneously,

Belladona: Top Homeopathic remedy for sinus headache with suppressed discharge

Natural Homeopathic medicine Belladona is one of the ideal homeopathic remedies for sinus infections when sinus headache is due to suppressed discharge. Belladona is very beneficial when a Sinusitis patient complains of a violent headache. The patient may get relief from the headache by binding the head tightly or applying pressure. The face may also appear swollen with a heated sensation. Another symptom for using Belladona is throat pain and cough when the sinus infection travels down the throat.

Kali Bichrome: Best Homeopathic remedy for Sinusitis with discharge dropping back into throat

Kali Bichrome is the top natural Homeopathic medicine for Sinusitis where the discharge drops back into the throat despite coming out of the nose. The discharge is very thick and mostly yellow. It can be ropy too and the patient experiences pain and heaviness in the nose. The nose can smell and is blocked with an inability to breathe through it. Kali Bichrome is also the best Homeopathic remedy for headache above the eyes due to sinus infection. The eyes may also get swollen up.

Merc Sol: Homeopathic medicine for Sinusitis with yellow-green nasal discharge

Natural Homeopathic medicine Merc Sol is of great help in treating Sinusitis when the nasal discharge is yellowish-green with a burning feeling. The nasal membrane gets corroded and ulcerated due to the offensive and thick acrid discharge. The patient has a headache with heat in head along with nasal discharge. An increased saliva in mouth is a prominent feature to look for in patients requiring Homeopathic medicine Merc Sol. It is also very beneficial if the mouth lets out an offensive smell.

Pulsatilla: Homeopathic medicine for green nasal discharge without any burning feeling

Pulsatilla is another top natural Homeopathic medicine for Sinusitis. The main symptom for its selection is green-coloured nasal discharge that is bland (without burning) and if the patient gets general relief in open air. The discharge is horribly offensive and the patient has headache above the eyes. There’s an absolute absence of thirst in patients.

Top Homeopathic medicines for Sinus headache

The sinus headache is usually present above the eyes in the forehead region. It can be on the right or left side depending on the involvement of right or left frontal sinus.

Silicea and Belladona: Best Homeopathic remedies for right-side sinus headache

Silicea is a very beneficial natural Homeopathic medicine when the sinus headache is located over the right eye. It brings prompt relief from the headache. The patient requiring Homeopathic medicine Silicea gets relief from headache by wrapping up warmly. Homeopathic medicine Belladona is the ideal remedy when the pain is of a violently throbbing nature with a hot sensation in head. The patient may get relief from tightly binding the head or by applying pressure. Noise seems to worsen the headache for selecting Belladona.

Spigelia and Bryonia Alba: Best Homeopathic medicines for left-side sinus headache

Spigelia is the ideal natural Homeopathic medicine for headache when the left-side frontal sinus is infected. Spigelia is of great help whenthe patient has a severe throbbing pain over the left eye. This is most of the times accompanied by discharge dropping back into the throat from the nose. The symptoms to watch out for when selecting Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba for left-side sinus headache are a bursting type of pain in forehead over left eye, worsening of headache by motion and relief by taking rest.

Spigelia and Belladona: Homeopathic remedies for Sinus Infections with pain in face 

The pain is felt mainly in cheeks, upper jaws and may get referred to teeth in sinus. This is mainly a feature of Maxillary Sinusitis. Spigelia is the top natural Homeopathic remedy for pain in the face due to sinus infection. It can be given when a severe pain is felt in the cheeks and upper jaw. The face is very tender and the teeth too may ache. Touching the face worsens the pain. Homeopathic medicine Belladona is the best choice when the facial pain is accompanied by heat and redness on the face.

Sticta and Ammonium Carb: Homeopathic Remedies for Sinus Infections with Nasal Blockage

Sticta is a natural Homeopathic medicine of great help to treat nasal blockage in a person with inflamed sinus. Sticta is the ideal remedy for patients who have no nasal discharge despite making quite an effort. There’s a constant pressure on the nose. Homeopathic medicine Ammonium Carb is the top remedy when the complete blockage of nose makes breathing difficult and the patient has to breathe through the mouth. The worse time for the patient is night.

Kali Iod, Merc Sol and Pulsatilla: Homeopathic Remedies for Sinus Infections with thin and thick discharges

Kali Iod is the best natural homeopathic medicine for treating thin nasal discharge due to sinus inflammation. The discharge is watery in a large quantity and leads to an intense burning sensation. Homeopathic medicine Merc Sol is the top remedy when the nasal discharge is yellowish-greenish in colour and very thick. The discharge is of an acrid nature and produces a burning sensation. The discharge may give out an offensive smell. The prominent symptoms for selecting Homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla are similar to Merc Sol. Pulsatilla also suits patients complaining of offensive, yellowish-greenish nasal discharges. But the one differentiating symptom is that the nasal discharge for selecting Pulsatiila is bland. In other words, it does not cause any burning sensation or irritation, in contrast to Merc Sol.

Hydrastis and Kali Bichrome:  Homeopathic Remedies for Sinus Infections with PND

Hydrastis and Kali Bichrome is considered the master of all natural Homeopathic remedies for sinus infections with posterior nasal dripping . These Homeopathic medicine can be used in all cases where tough and thick discharges drop back into the throat. The discharge may be yellow in colour and rope-like. Along with post-nasal drip, the patient may also complain of fullness and pressure in the root of nose.

Natrum Mur And Sabadilla: Homeopathic Remedies for Sinus Infections accompanied with sneezing 

Natrum mur and Sabadilla assumes the top rank among natural Homeopathic remedies for sinus Infections when sneezing accompanies sinus inflammation. Along with sneezing, a fluent discharge of nose with headache is indicative of the both the homeopathic remedies for sinus infections.

Homeopathic Remedies for Sinus Infections complicated with Polyps

Nasal polyps are growths in the nasal cavity arising from its mucous membrane. The nasal polyp in a nasal cavity blocks the normal drainage of discharge. The collected discharge thus acts as a pool for infectious agents, leading to inflammation of sinuses. The top natural Homeopathic remedies to treat nasal polyps are Teucrium, Sanguinaria Can, Kali Nitricum and Calcarea Carb.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Sinus Infections due to Fungal Growth

Fungal growth in the form of a round ball that gets filled in the nasal sinus is termed Fungal Sinusitis. The symptoms are mainly yellow-coloured, tough, thick discharge mostly of rubbery kind with pressure in the nose. The natural Homeopathic remedies for sinus infections complicated with fungal growth are Kali Bichrome, Lycopodium, Sticta, Silicea and Thuja.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Homeopathic Remedies For Sciatica

Homeopathy is a very advanced science fully equipped to treat neuralgic pains, including sciatica. Homeopathic medicines can treat acute as well chronic sciatica. Homeopathic medicines, which are natural and safe, work on the root cause of sciatica for complete, effective healing and cure. In fact, a Homeopathic consultation, if taken in time, could prevent surgical intervention in cases of sciatica. Some well recognized Homeopathic medicines for sciatica are Colocynthis, Magnesia Phosphorica, Gnaphalium Polycephalum, Arnica, Rhus Tox and Cotyledon.

Homeopathic Medicines for Sciatica

Colocynthis – Excellent Homeopathic medicine for sciatica of left side

Homeopathic medicine Colocynthis is known to greatly benefit left-sided sciatica. It is indicated where a person complains of pain along the course of the left sciatic nerve. The pain starts in the lower back and radiates down the leg to toes. In some cases, the pain is located in the left hip or pain in hip radiates to the knee. The pain may be drawing, tearing, shooting in nature. In some cases, it may be lightening, shock-like or cramping. Pressure application may provide relief. Lying on the left side also offers relief in some cases. Few persons requiring Colocynthis may also get relief from warm applications.

Magnesia Phosphorica – Wonderful Homeopathic medicine for sciatica of right side

Homeopathic medicine Magnesia Phosphorica is a reliable prescription for right-sided sciatica. The sciatica pain is cutting, shooting, stabbing or stitching in nature. Pain starts in the lower back and extends down the right hip, thigh, hollow of knee and leg. Pressure or warm applications may offer relief. In some cases, uncovering the lower limb worsen the pain.

Gnaphalium Polycephalum – Top grade Homeopathic medicine for sciatica with pain and numbness

Gnaphalium Polycephalum is the most useful Homeopathic medicine for pain in the sciatic nerve when attended with numbness. It is also indicated where sciatica pain alternates with numbness. Folding thighs onto the abdomen provides some relief. Gnaphalium Polycephalum is also prescribed in sciatica cases where the pain is confined to the calves and feet.

Arnica Montana, Hypericum Perforatum and Ruta Graveolens – Best Homeopathic medicines for sciatica from back injury

Arnica Montana, Hypericum Perforatum and Ruta Graveolens are the most useful Homeopathic medicines for sciatica arising from injury to the back. The injury may be caused by falls or blows. Arnica Montana is advised in case of sciatica with excessive soreness of lower limbs. The slightest touch is unbearable on the affected side. Hypericum Perforatum is considered when the sciatic pain is attended with tingling, burning or numbness in the affected leg. The spine is also very sensitive to the touch. Walking or stooping is impossible from intense pain in the back and lower limb. Ruta Graveolens is the Homeopathic remedy where sciatica pain gets worse on lying down at night. Weakness of lower limbs attends.

Cotyledon Umbilicus – Effective Homeopathic medicine for sciatica with pain and sensitivity in lower limbs

Cotyledon Umbilicus is a well indicated Homeopathic medicine for intense sciatica pain where it is accompanied by high sensitivity in lower limbs. Heaviness in the lower limbs may also be felt. Also, in case of stinging pain in the left hip, Cotyledon Umbilicus shows remarkable healing.

Bryonia Alba – Significant Homeopathic Remedy for sciatica that worsens with walking

Bryonia Alba is the most effective Homeopathic medicine for sciatica that gets worse from walking. The slightest motion may worsen sciatica in such cases. Lying down absolutely still provides some relief. Bryonia Alba is also the medicine to prescribe where the person feels relief by lying down on lower limb of the affected side. The hip and leg of the affected side may feel heavy.

Kali Iod – Remarkable Homeopathic medicine for sciatica that gets worse with sitting or standing

Kali Iod is an excellent Homeopathic remedy for sciatica that offers great help where sitting or standing worsen pain. Kali Iod is also the preferred Homeopathic medication for sciatica pain that gets worse at night. The person may wake from sleep in the middle of the night due to the pain. Walking provides some relief. Another unique feature in such cases is formication on the legs. The formication is mostly felt while sitting.

Rhus Tox – Top rated Homeopathic medicine for sciatica that becomes more painful with rest

For sciatica pain that gets worse from rest or while sitting, Rhus Tox is the ideal Homeopathic prescription. Lying on the painful side could worsen the pain in such cases. Walking or movement of the affected limb offers relief. Along with severe pain, a burning sensation may be felt in the lower limbs. Rhus Tox also works wonderfully well in treating sciatica that arises from lifting a heavy weight.

Valeriana Officinalis – Best Homeopathic prescription for sciatica where standing increases pain

Valeriana Officinalis is a most suitable Homeopathic medicine for sciatica that gets worse from standing. Persons who need this prescription may also complain of sciatic pain getting worse from stretching the leg. Walking may make things better. Valeriana Officinalis is also the most popular medicine to prescribe where severe pain is felt from calf (back of leg) to heel.

Homeopathic Medicines for Sciatica- FAQ’s

I have left-sided sciatica, which Homeopathic Remedy should I take?

I would suggest Homeopathic medicine Colocynthis for your left-sided sciatica. I have seen excellent results with this prescription in sciatica complaints of this type.  A person who needs Colocynthis will have pain in the lower back radiating down the left leg. The pain may be drawing, tearing or shooting in nature.

Which Homeopathic medicine would you advise for right-sided sciatica?

There is a huge list of Homeopathic medicines to choose from for treating sciatica of right side. Among them, Magnesia Phosphorica is rated among the best. It is indicated for shooting, cramping, lancinating pain in the entire right leg starting from the lower back. Pressure or warm applications in the leg provide relief.

My sciatica pains make the leg feel numb. Is there a Homeopathic remedy for this?

The Homeopathic medicine that I have found to be most effective for sciatica when the pain is attended with numbness is Gnaphalium Polycephalum. It is also the medicine to prescribe when the pain in lower limbs alternates with numbness.

I recently suffered a lower back injury and now have sciatica pains. Can Homeopathic medicines help?

For your sciatica that has arisen after surgery, you could take Homeopathic medicines Arnica Montana, Hypericum Perforatum and Ruta Graveolens. These medicines work wonderfully well to treat sciatica complaints arising after injury.

How does Homeopathy treat sciatica where pain is accompanied by marked sensitivity in lower limbs?

To treat sciatica when pain in lower limbs is attended with sensitivity, Homeopathic medicine Cotyledon Umbilicus is used. It has shown the most extraordinary results in sensitivity cases.

I have sciatica and I’m in so much pain I can’t walk. What Homeopathic remedy do you suggest?

Sciatica pain that worsens from walking can be best dealt with Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba. This medicine offers help when sciatica gets worse from the slightest motion or walking. Rest and lying in one position provides relief in such cases.

I cannot sit for long due to sciatica, can you help?

Yes, Homeopathic medicines can remedy the situation for you and surely treat your sitting issues due to sciatica. Kali Iod and Rhus Tox are two super effective prescriptions where sciatica pains worsen from sitting. The person typically feels better while walking in such cases that need this prescription.

My sciatica worsens from standing. Which Homeopathic medicines do you recommend?

For sciatica that gets worse with standing, Homeopathic medicines Valeriana Officinalis and Kali Lod prove most useful. Such persons also typically feel better while walking even though standing in painful.

My MRI shows a disc bulge, is there a Homeopathic cure for my sciatica?

Yes, Homeopathic medicines can surely help sciatica arising from a disc bulge. However, the Homeopathic medicines in this case are selected carefully based on individual symptoms and case analysis. The side affected and the modalities that worsen or lessen the pain are studied in detail before a prescription is decided.

What is sciatica?

Sciatica refers to pain that begins in the lower back and travels down the lower limbs traversing the root of sciatic nerve. Sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body. It marks its beginning in the lower back and runs down the hips, back of legs and down to the feet. There is one sciatic nerve on either side of the body and any one of them may be involved when pain is experienced. An irritation or compression of sciatic nerve leads to sciatica.

What causes sciatica?

The causes of sciatica could be many, but the main among these are pinching, compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. This pinching or compression may result from a disc bulge or a herniated disc in the lower spine. Other causes of sciatic nerve compression are degeneration of the spinal disc, stenosis (narrowing) of the spinal canal, bone spurs, spondylolisthesis (dislocated vertebra), piriformis syndrome and compression of sciatic nerve from a tumor in the spine.

I have sciatica and my MRI shows a disc bulge in the lower spine. Are the two related?

A disc (intervertebral disc) is basically the shock absorbing cushion between the spinal vertebrae. Discs are placed between vertebrae – one intervertebral disc between two vertebrae. When a disc develops a bulge due to some reason, it moves out from its normal position and starts compressing or putting pressure on the sciatic nerve. This compression leads to sciatica.

How can I tell I have sciatica?

Pain in the lower back that radiates down either leg clinically signifies that you have sciatica. The pain may be dull, tearing, shooting, lancinating (piercing or stabbing) or electric shock-like in nature. Few other symptoms that persist are numbness, tingling, burning sensation or weakness in the lower limb on the affected side. Standing or sitting for long worsens the pain. Lying down or walking relieves the symptoms. Doctors usually prescribe investigations such as X-rays, MRI, CT scan, EMG i.e. electromyography.

Can sciatica be both sided (bilateral)?

In a majority of the cases, sciatica is one sided i.e. with unilateral involvement of the sciatic nerve. However, the sciatic nerve on both sides (bilateral) may become involved. Causes of bilateral sciatica are large, central disc herniation, compressing of nerve roots, multiple disc herniation at different levels and spinal stenosis.

My pain is confined to the lower back and hips, is it sciatica?

You could. Though in a majority of the cases, sciatica pain starts from the lower back and radiates down the legs and feet, there are cases where sciatica pain starts in the lower back, but radiates down to the hips and not beyond.

My calf muscles and feet hurt. Could that be sciatica as well?

Yes, this is a possible scenario with sciatic nerve compression. Sciatica pain, which usually starts in the lower back and runs down the leg and feet, could in some cases be confined to the leg and feet alone. Any medication should follow proper investigation.

Is sciatica related to age?

No, sciatica has nothing to do with age. A person in any age group could suffer sciatica. However, sciatica from degeneration of spinal disc or spinal stenosis is mostly noted in elderly people.

Can lower back injury lead to sciatica?

Yes, lower back injury can cause compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, leading to sciatica.

What investigations are conducted to establish or rule out sciatica?

Any major investigations related to sciatica include X-rays, MRI, CT scan, EMG i.e. electromyography.

I had sciatica, which is now healed. How can I make sure it does not come back?

You can prevent sciatica from recurring by learning techniques that reduce stress and strain in the lower back. Doing regular exercise also helps.

Can I take physiotherapy sessions along with Homeopathic medicines to manage my sciatica pain?

Of course, you could definitely do exercises or take physiotherapy sessions alongside Homeopathic medicines to manage sciatica. In fact, physiotherapy has serious long term benefits in sciatica. However, in severely acute sciatica pain, exercise should be avoided. It can be resumed once the acute episodes of sciatica have settled down.

My doctor advised surgery. Will it help to try Homeopathic medicines in such a scenario?

Yes, Homeopathic medicines are extremely effective and have to power to treat even severe cases of sciatica and avoid surgical procedures. However, the extent of benefit from these medicines will be based on factors such as duration, intensity and cause of sciatica. Spinal surgery can be avoided in a large number of the cases.

My physician says I have piriformis syndrome. What is that?

Piriformis syndrome is a neuromuscular disorder that is caused when the sciatic nerve is compressed by the piriformis muscle. Piriformis is a muscle located in the hips and a spasm in this muscle may compress the sciatic nerve. The symptoms arising include pain or numbness of the hip i.e. the gluteal region. Tingling may also be felt in the hip. The pain, after starting from the hip, may radiate down the course of sciatic nerve. Excessive sitting or pressure over the piriformis muscle may worsen the symptoms.

What is the cauda equina syndrome?

Cauda equina syndrome is a serious neurological condition and a surgical emergency. Nerves located at the end of the spinal cord form a bundle called cauda. A severely ruptured disc in the lumbar area, spinal canal stenosis, injury and malignant tumour in the spine are common causes for cauda equina syndrome. The symptoms of cauda equina include severe low back pain, numbness/weakness in legs, bladder or bowel dysfunction, urinary retention, urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction, anesthesia or paraesthesia in area including perineum, external genital, anus or pin needle feeling in groin or inner thighs, sciatica type pain and gait disturbance. Homeopathic medicines are of no help in such cases and the patient needs to be rushed into Emergency.

 Lifestyle changes can help treat sciatica?

Yes, lifestyle changes can truly help manage sciatica and to an extent help it heal fast when accompanied by Homeopathic medicines. Just learning a few techniques to adopt for the way we sit, stand or bend to lessen the stress on the back can reduce pain and make life that much easier. The first on the not-to-do list is forward or backward bending. The next is lifting heavy weights. Prolonged sitting and standing must also be avoided. Reducing body weight will help, as will avoiding high heels and quitting smoking. To further reduce pain, warm applications in the affected area are advised. Sleeping on a firm mattress is also recommended. Stretching exercises and physiotherapy also hasten the positive effects of Homeopathic medicines and help the condition to heal faster.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Homeopathic Remedies for Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by the presence of various delusions (a false rigid belief without any evidence to support it ,also that cannot be altered by argument or reasoning); hallucinations (falsely perceiving things having no relation to reality and without any external stimulus), disorganized speech and behavior  and social withdrawal.

Symptoms of Schizophrenia:

1) The main symptom of Schizophrenia is delusion that is mainly of the persecutory, grandiose, control and jealousy type. The patient with the persecutory delusion believes that others are making some plots/plans to harm him and are against him. The delusion of control makes the patient believe that his thoughts, actions, emotions are being controlled by outside factors. This also includes thought broadcasting and insertion/withdrawal of thoughts in which the patient feels that his/her thoughts are being broadcast to others and thoughts that are not his own are being inserted or withdrawn from his mind. The patient with the delusion of grandeur feels that he is a very important, worthy person with much power and status, possessing great wealth and ability.
2) Another important symptom of Schizophrenia is hallucination, mainly of the auditory type, in which the person hears voices of people which are not present in reality.

3) The next important symptom is disorganized speech and behavior.  Disorganized speech may be present in various forms like saying meaningless words, repeating the same couple of words, difficulty in maintaining a train of thoughts, starting to talk about a topic and ending it on a totally different subject,  giving a totally different unassociated answer on being asked a question etc. Disorganized behavior includes child like, aggressive and irritated responses.

4) Another symptom is the flat effect in which a person is not able to express his emotions either verbally or non-verbally through gestures and lack of facial expressions in various situations.
5) Other associated symptoms are: Lack of motivation (avolition); lack of pleasure in acts that are pleasurable (anhedonia); difficulty in speaking (alogia); increased feeling of depression with the mood of dissatisfaction, restlessness, anxiety, unhappiness (dysphoria); feeling of temporary loss or alteration of one’s own reality
(depersonalization) like feeling that the limbs have changed size;  speaking less; poor self care; social isolation; lack of desire to form relationships or to take any responsibility.

Homeopathic Medicines for Schizophrenia

Hyoscyamus Niger and Lachesis – Homeopathic Medicines for Schizophrenia where the delusion of persecution predominates:

Hyoscyamus Niger  this homeopathic remedy is useful for those cases of Schizophrenia where the main symptom is delusion of persecution and the patient feels that others are making some plot against him. Another symptom which points to its use is-  suspicion and the patient’s perception that he will be poisoned, thus refusing to take anything offered, even medicine too ; there is a mistrust that his friends are no longer his friends and he carries on conversation with imaginary people. It can be recommended for patients in which the disease arises due to past unfortunate love relationships. The next medicine, Lachesis , is also very effective for treating the delusion of persecution and its use is called for where the symptoms of suspicion and jealousy without any reason are present. Other symptoms like aversion to mix with the world and excessive talkativeness also warrant its use. Other indications requiring its usage are – patient imagines that he is under the control of superhuman powers; that his friends and children are trying to damage him/her; that his friends are planning to put him in a mental asylum and that others are talking about him/her.

Platinum Metallicum and Phosphorus Homeopathic Remedies for Schizophrenia when delusion of grandeur is the dominant symptom

Platinum Metallicum is an excellent medicine for treating delusion of grandeur . The characteristic features calling for this medicine to be used are the superiority complex, where the person feels that everyone around him/her is inconsequential and of no value and only he/she is superior and important. The schizophrenic patients requiring this medicine are very proud and arrogant in nature.

Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus also ranks as a top medicine for curing the grandiose delusion. The patients for whom this medicine is usually recommended are those possessing an exaggerated idea of self-importance; over-sensitiveness to all external impressions; depression and indifferent behavior towards family and friends, and have strange  imaginations e.g. . that something is creeping out of every corner. Another feature that needs a special mention for this medicine to be used is that the symptoms get worse during thunderstorms.

Homeopathic medicine Anacardium Orientale for auditory hallucinations in schizophrenic patients:

Anacardium Orientale is an important medicine that can be utilized in patients experiencing the auditory hallucinations. The patient requiring this medicine usually complains of hearing voices from far away that command him to do activities. He also hears voices of dead people. This medicine also works well in case of the symptoms of- excessive talkativeness coupled with the use of abusive words; suspicion at everything around him and anxiety while walking. He also feels as if someone is following him and talking about him .

Homeopathic medicines Cannabis Indica and Stramonium for disordered speech in Schizophrenia:

Cannabiis Indica is a wonderful homeopathic medicine where disorganized speech is present in Schizophrenia . The important symptoms making Cannabis Indica an ideal choice are –  persistent thoughts crowding the brain which make the patient forget while talking and preventing rational speech. The patient forgets the last said words and cannot recall them; and has the fear of becoming insane and exhibits uncontrollable laughter.

Homeopathic Medicine Stramonium is yet another useful cure for disorganized speech and the guiding symptoms are – continuos talking , incomprehensible speech, excessive praying, religious mania,  fear of  darkness and the tendency to talk with spirits

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Homeopathic Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis


Rheumatoid Arthritis is as an autoimmune inflammatory disease affecting joints. It leads to pain, swelling and stiffness in joints. In long standing cases of Rheumatoid Arthritis, the affected joints are destroyed, resulting in varying degrees of deformity. Homeopathic remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis are made of natural substances, are of great help in the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Homeopathic RA treatments are completely safe with no side effects, they work to eliminate the root cause of the problem.

Top Homeopathic Remedies For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Natural Homeopathic remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis with  pain in finger joints

Antimonium Crudum is the top natural remedy for Rheumatoid Arthritis when the patient is suffering from pain in finger joints  . The patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis who complain of pain in finger joints which gets worse in cold weather or by washing hands in cold water and gets better by applying something warm on the fingers can greatly benefit from this Homeopathic remedy. Antimonium Crudum also yields good results in patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis in whom the pain in finger joints alternates with stomach complaints and a thick white-coated tongue. The arthritic finger pains which worsen after taking wine can also be treated with this Homeopathic medicine.

Lithium Carbonicum is another Homeopathic medicine of great help for patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis who complain of pain in finger joints accompanied by swelling over the finger joints. The patient’s condition gets better by applying hot water. Patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis with pain in finger joints who complain of dim vision and weakness of eyes as an associated symptom can also benefit from natural Homeopathic medicine Lithium Carbonicum. It is also the Homeopathic remedy for patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis who have a history of some heart complaint along with pain in finger joints.

Caulophyllum is the ideal natural Homeopathic remedy for pain in finger joints with much stiffness in a patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Caulophyllum is also of great help when the pain in finger joints shifts from one finger to another in a very short time. Guaiacum Officinale is another top Homeopathic medicine when the patient has pain in finger joints that is pricking with much stiffness, and which gets worse by heat.

Homeopathic treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis with pain in wrist joints

Actaea Spicata is an excellent natural Homeopathic medicine for treating the pain in wrist of a patient suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis. Tearing and tingling type of pain in the wrist with excessive swelling, that gets worse with touch and motion, is also effectively treatedby Actaea Spicata. Another Homeopathic remedy of great benefit when a patient of Rheumatoid Arthritis has a tearing type of pain in the wrist, especially on the right side, is Rhododendron. The pain gets worse when the wrist is kept in a resting position. This is also the Homeopathic remedy for patients who complain of rheumatic pain in wrist which gets worse during stormy weather. Natural Homeopathic medicine Colchicum Autumnale is the ideal treatment for rheumatic pain of wrist where the pain is aggravated by touch and at night. The pain in wrist in which there is a sensation of needles and numbness of fingertips is also treated by Homeopathic medicine Colchicum Autumnale.Formica Rufa, on the other hand, is a very beneficial Homeopathic medicine for rheumatic pain in wrist joint when the pain appears suddenly and the patient feels better by rubbing or pressing the wrist.

Homeopathic medicines for pain in knee joints in a patient of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rhus Toxicodendron is among the top natural Homeopathic medicines for treating rheumatic pain in knee joints. For this medicine to be used, the main symptoms to be considered are pain and stiffness of knees which get worse while the patient is resting, and there is a decrease in pain as the patient walks continuously. Bryonia Alba is another Homeopathic medicine that can yield very good results in the treatment of rheumatic pains of knees. The patients requiring this natural Homeopathic remedy complain of excessive stitching type of pain, stiffness and swelling in knee joints. Excessive rheumatic knee pain that gets worse by a little motion of knees and better by absolute rest can also be treated with Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba. Calcarea Carbonica is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for treating rheumatic pain in knee joints when the pain increases by working in water like washing clothes. Another symptom that guides towards using this natural Homeopathic remedy in rheumatic patients is pain in knees with much swelling and coldness of knees. Homeopathic medicine Salicylicum Acidum is also used for excessive rheumatic pain in knee joints with much swelling and high fever that get worse on the slightest touch and movement of knee. Homeopathic medicine Causticum is used to treat rheumatic pains of knee if the patient gets relief from pain by applying something hot and experiences restless legs at night.

Homeopathic remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis with shifting pain in joints

Pulsatilla Nigricans is a natural Homeopathic medicine of great help forRheumatoid Arthritis patients who complain of shifting type of painsin joints. It is also the ideal Homeopathic medicine for rheumatic pains that constantly shift from one joint to another along with chilliness and making the patient restless. The patient also has no thirst for water the whole day. Caulophyllum is another Homeopathic remedy for treating rheumatic pains that goon wandering mainly in small joints of fingers and wrist. If the rheumatic pain in joints is of shooting nature or the pain gives the sensation of an electric shock while rapidly shifting from one joint to another,natural Homeopathic medicine Phytolacca Decendra is the ideal remedy. Homeopathic medicine Kalmia Latifolia is used for treatment of shifting pain in joints when the pains are of a pricking nature, with numbness of affected joint and shifting from one joint to another in quick succession.

Homeopathic medicines for acute inflammation of joints in patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Apis Mellifica is a wonderful natural Homeopathic medicine for acute inflammatory condition of joints where the joints, especially the knee joint, are excessively swollen with acute sensitivity to touch and warmth. Along with the acute swelling, a stinging type of painin joints also directs towards the Homeopathic treatment provided by Apis Mellifica. Another Homeopathic medicine for treatment of an acute inflammation of joints is Arnica Montana. It is the ideal choice whenthe patient complains of swelling in joints with sore, bruised pains as if beaten up. There is also a heightened fear to touch the inflammed joints on account of the pain. Natural Homeopathic medicine Sticta Pulmonarisis is benefical in treating acute inflammation of joints in Rheumatoid Arthritis when the symptoms are redness, heat, and swelling in joints with a shooting type of pain, especially in knee joints. Homeopathic medicine Actaea Spicata is mainly used for acute inflammation of wrist and finger joints where the swelling in joints appears on slight motion with a tearing type of painwhich gets worse by touch.

Natural Homeopathic medicines for stiffness of joints in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rhus Toxicodendron is the best Homeopathic medicine for reducing the stiffness in joints due to Rheumatoid Arthritis where the patient feels that the joints are stiffwhen at rest and the stiffness gradually reduces as the joints come into motion. An example is knee stiffness being reduced by continuous walking. Rhus Toxicodendron is also the natural Homeopathic remedy for stiffness of joints which worsensif the patientgets wet in rain. Caulophyllum is also used forthe Homeopathic treatment of stiffness joints, mainly finger joints, with a drawing type of painin finger joints that shifts from one joint to another. Another natural Homeopathic medicine, Causticum, is mainly used when the knees joints are markedly stiffand tensewith pain in knees and heat provides relief. Guaiacum Officinale is also a useful Homeopathic medicine for the treatment of stiff joints in patients withRheumatoid Arthritis when the main symptoms are immovable stiffness of joints with pain in joints that getsworse by applying pressure and heat.

Homeopathic medicines for Rheumatoid Arthritis with deformity of joints

The top natural Homeopathic medicine for treating deformity of joints is Medorrhinum. This Homeopathic remedy is mainly prescribed when finger joints are deformed and nodes have formed on finger joints. Excessive burning heat in the hands along with deformed fingers also calls for the Homeopathic treatment of Medorrhinum. An equally good Homeopathic medicine is Benzoicum Acidum, which is recommended for treatment of deformed joints, mainly knee joint, where rheumatism is associated with Gonorrhoea and very offensive urine. Guaicum Officinale is the best natural Homeopathic medicine where the nodosities are formed on joints, leading to immovable stiffness of joints.

Best natural Homeopathic medicines for Juvenile Arthritis

Arthritis developing before the age of 18years is referred to as Juvenile Arthritis. Abrotanum is a very good Homeopathic medicine for Juvenile Arthritis. It is a natural Homeopathic remedy for pain in joints of a pricking character, mainly in wrist and ankle joints. If the arthritis develops due to suppression of diarrhoea, then Abrotanum is the best and specific Homeopathic remedy. Natrum Phoshphoricum is another Homeopathic medicine for Juvenile Arthritis where the wrist and finger joints are involved. The main symptom that must be present for this medicine to be used is joint pains accompanied by acidity, sour eructations and sour vomiting.

Natural Homeopathic remedies for Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriasis is a skin condition in which red inflamed patches on skin are covered by silver white flakes on them. The joint painthat results because of its association with Psoriasis is referred to as Psoriatic Arthritis. Homeopathic medicines that can be used for the treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis are Sulphur and Radium Bromatum. Sulphur can be used for the treatment of joint pains that occur due to suppression of psoriatic skin lesions by external ointment applications, along with excessive heat in palms and soles. Radiumm Bromatum can be used in Psoriatic Arthritis where the joint pains are worse at night along with itching and burning on the skin.

Top Homeopathic medicines for Reactive Arthritis

Reactive Arthritis is a condition of painful inflammation of joints that occurs in response to infection in another part of the body due to bacteria. The main infections that result in Reactive Arthritis are firstly intestinal infection due to salmonella, shigella or other intestinal bacterias and secondly, the sexually transmitted diseases caused by Neisseria Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia Trachomatis bacterias. The main symptoms of Reactive Arthritis are joint pains that follow or accompany diarrhoea or dysentery, frequent or burning urination, discharges from urethra, conjunctivitis and skin inflammation.
Abrotanum is the best natural Homeopathic medicine for Reactive Arthritis where the arthritis follows diarrhoea, which is suppressed due to any cause or where joint pains alternate with dysentery. Its use is recommended in cases of arthritis where the joints, mainly ankle or wrist joints, are inflammed, stiff and pains that are of pricking character are present. Another medicine which is of great significance in Homeopathic treatment of Reactive Arthritis is Kali Bichromicum. The patients of Reactive Arthritis who complain of joint pains that alternate with dysentery can benefit from this Homeopathic medicine. Kali Bichromicum is also the Homeopathic remedy for patients in whom the main symptoms are pain, stiffness and swelling of joints that wander from one joint to the other rapidly and get worse by cold. Natural Homeopathic medicine Asclepias Tuberosa is the idealremedy in those cases of Reactive Arthritis where joint pains are accompanied by dysentery. The patient requiring this medicine complains of an offensive stool like rotten eggs with mucus in stool and pain and stiffness in joints where the patient is afraid to bend the joints because he feels that the ligaments and tendons adjoining the joints will breakon bending. Natrum Sulphuricum is yet another natural Homeopathic medicine for Reactive Arthritis where joint pains are accompanied by diarrhoea which is worse in morning. The joints, mainly knee joints, are stiff and painful with burning in the soles of feet. The other two medicines which are used for Homeopathic treatment of Reactive Arthritis where the inflammatory joint pains follow supression of gonorrheal infection are Medorrhinum and Thuja Occidentalis. Thuja Occidentalis is the natural Homeopthic remedy for patients of Reactive Arthritis in whom the joint pains are accompanied by inflammed urethra with frequent uncontrollable urination and where sharp cutting pains in urethra follow after urinating. Medorrhinum is the Homeopathic medicine suited for patients in whom the joints, mainly finger joints,get stiffwith excessive painalong with burning in hands. For Medorrhinum to be used in Reactive Arthritis, the symptoms of inflammation of urethra with excessive pain in urethra while urination alongwith joint pains must be present. Pulsatilla Nigricans is another excellent natural Homeopathic medicine for patients of Reactive Arthritis. This Homeopathic remedy is beneficial when pain and swelling in joints shift from one joint to another, accompanied by chilliness, inflammation in conjunctiva of eyes with thick yellow discharges and thick yellow gonorrheal discharges from urethra.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



+1 647-673-4242

Homeopathic Remedies for Scalp Psoriasis

The irritation and the constant urge to scratch apart, the emergence of an inflammatory dry red patch on the scalp is bound to scare any person. This common skin condition is called Scalp Psoriasis. The nat Homeopathic treatment for scalp psoriasis will not only cure Scalp Psoriasis, but also ensure that this particularly irritating medical condition does not raise its head again. Scalp Psoriasis is non-contagious and affects the scalp of the head in which inflammatory dry red patches with definite margins appear on the scalp. These red patches are covered with silvery white scales. Scalp Psoriasis affects people of all ages. Some factors like stress, winters, alcohol intake and smoking are known to trigger Scalp Psoriasis. The symptoms of Scalp Psoriasis include dry red patches on the scalp with silver white scales, excessive dryness on scalp, itching on scalp, hair loss due to excessive scratching and presence of small bleeding points on the scalp as a result of removal of dry scales by scratching. Although the red patches remain almost dry,there may be oozing out of fluid if there is an infection at the scratched bleeding points.

Homeopathic treatment for Scalp Psoriasis

Homeopathy provides natural treatment for Scalp Psoriasis. To treat Scalp Psoriasis, the constitution — or the mental and physical framework — of the patient is always taken into account along with the skin symptoms to recommend which Homeopathic remedy is best suited. Homeopathic remedies for scalp psoriasis help in giving relief from symptoms like itching and are also very beneficial in eradicating this skin condition once and for all. [toc]

Top Homeopathic remedies for Scalp psoriasis

Sulpur: Best Homeopathic remedy for treating Scalp Psoriasis with burning sensation

Sulphur is the best Homeopathic medicine for treating Scalp Psoriasis and its use is recommended for all those patients of Scalp Psoriasis who complain of excessive heat in the body, especially on the scalp and soles of feet. The patients requiring Sulphur complain of extremely dry and scaly skin on the head along with excessive itching, which is usually worse at night from the heat of the bed. Such a patient goes on scratching the scalp, which is followed by burning sensation of the worst kind on the head. Another important constitutional symptom of the patient requiring Homeopathic medicine Sulphur is dirty and unhealthy skin with a strong aversion to bathing. Sulphur is an effective cure if the patient of Scalp Psoriasis has been applying ointments on the scalp. When the skin symptoms worsen during the spring, Sulphur can be of great help. The patient requiring Homeopathic medicine Sulphur may also show an extraordinary craving for sweets.

Calcarea Carbonica: Homeopathic treatment for Scalp Psoriasis with excessive scratching

Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carbonica is best suited for patients of Scalp Psoriasis who are generally fair complexioned and are obese. The patient requiring this Homeopathic medicine complains of red scaly patches on the scalp with excessive scratching. The symptoms get worse in wet weather and are comparatively better in dry weather. Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carbonica is also a very good remedy for patients who complain of excessive perspiration and coldness in head. Such a patient feels very chilly and cannot tolerate the slightest of cold air. There is also an extraordinary craving for eggs among the patients requiring this Homeopathic medicine.

Graphites: Homeopathic cure for Scalp Psoriasis with excessive dryness and itching

Graphites is a Homeopathic medicine of great help for patients of Scalp Psoriasis who complain of excessive roughness, dryness and itching on the scalp patches with a burning sensation on the top of the head. Graphites is also a very effective Homeopathic treatment if the patient has patches that extend from the scalp to behind the ears. This Homeopathic medicine is also of great benefit for patients of Scalp Psoriasis who complain of discharge of a thin sticky fluid from the scalp due to excessive scratching of the red patches.

Lycopodium Clavatum: Top Homeopathic medicine for Scalp Psoriasis with gastric or urinary trouble

Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium Clavatum is of great help in treating patients of Scalp Psoriasis if the skin symptoms are accompanied by some sort of gastric or urinary trouble. This Homeopathic remedy is very beneficial for patients who complain of thick dry spots on the scalp with excessive itching. The itching gets worse in the evening from around 4 pm to 8pm. Excessive hair fall due to scratching the head can also be treated with Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium Clavatum. The itching on scalp which gets aggravated by heat can be cured with the use of Lycopodium Clavatum. The patients who are recommended the use of this Homeopathic medicine have an unusual craving for hot drinks.

Sepia Officinalis: Homeopathic remedy for Scalp Psoriasis with aggravated itching in cold air

Sepia Officinalis is a very useful Homeopathic remedy for the treatment of Scalp Psoriasis in those patients who complain of aggravate ditching on the scalp in cold air and relief with warm covering. Such patients complain that the itching is so intense that even scratching provides no temporary relief. Homeopathic medicine Sepia Officinalis is also of great help for women in the menopausal age who have Scalp Psoriasis and complain of hot flushes with perspiration. The main symptoms include irritability with sadness and indifferent behaviour towards life and family.

Top Five Homeopathic Medicines for Guttate Psoriasis

Are you suffering from dryness, scaling and itching of the skin? You could be afflicted by Guttate Psoriasis. Though it may not come across as an incapacitating condition, it can disrupt the affected person’s daily routine by virtue of the pain, irritation and discomfort it causes.Homeopathy can not only alleviate the symptoms of Guttate Psoriasis but also tackle the root cause of the affliction. Homeopathic medicines assure an advantage over other systems of treatment in assuaging Guttate Psoriasis, as they are minus side-effects and are derived from natural substances.

Signs of Guttate Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease of the skin, characterized by dryness, scaling and itching of the skin. It may occur in any part of the body. The guttate variety is marked by small, circular reddish lesions, particularly in the exposed parts of the body, such as the forearms, legs and rarely the trunk and back.

Best homoeopathic remedies for Guttate Psoriasis

I would recommend the following to be the top five homeopathic remedies for psoriasis, as they offer a holistic line of treatment that covers all forms of Guttate Psoriasis:

NATRUM MUR:- Homoeopathic medicine  Natrum Mur is the leading remedy for treating cases of guttate psoriasis. The patient suffers from dry psoriatic patches mostly in the scalp, hairy margin, behind the ears, bends of joints and most of the exposed areas of skin. The lesions are dry and the skin peels easily. People needing Natrum Mur may exhibit an unusual craving for salt and salty things. This usually aggravates the itching. The persons may also experience an increase in the symptoms when they go to a hot, humid climate as found in coastal regions.

ARS IOD:-  Ars Iod is also an excellent homoeopathic medicine for curing cases of guttate psoriasis characterized by an extremely dry skin which peels off easily. The patient may be very weak. Ars Iod promises relief from guttate psoriasis in people who also have respiratory complaints. The skin shows excessive scaling. As the skin peels, the underlying skin is exposed and there may be a thin watery discharge. Ars Iod can be prescribed to patients who are thin, emaciated and easily fatigued. They may also have profuse sweating at night.

SEPIA:- Homoeopathic medicine Sepia is  especially suited for guttate psoriasis in females in who are in the menopausal or post-menopausal phase.  There may be an uncontrollable desire to scratch as there is an excessive itching. Though the patient keeps on scratching, she does not get any relief and continued scratching gives rise to a sore, burning sensation in the affected part. Guttate psoriasis is associated with an extremely bad smell emanating from the skin. Sepia can be given to women who don’t demonstrate any feelings or emotions towards their family members, have lost all interest in their profession and take umbrage easily. The patient may cry at every little thing and is extremely moody and irritable.

SILICEA:- I find Silicea is another homoeopathic medicine which works well for guttate psoriasis. It is best prescribed for patients who have lesions that are tiny and look rosy red in color. As the lesions become old, the color changes to dark brown and then form into dry and white scales. Persons who require silicea may give off an offensive foot sweat. Silicea can be given in people who feel extremely cold and cannot tolerate even the mildest form of cold. The skin lesions may itch only in the day time and the patients feel better in the evening and night.

GRAPHITES:- I would pick homoeopathic medicine Graphites for treating skin ailments, especially in patients who may have a tendency to take cold easily. Graphites may be recommended for patients who are shy, timid and indecisive. The skin is rough and hard. Graphites can also be given in psoriasis of the nails where the nails are crippled and break easily. Nails are deformed and there may be cracks around the finger tips. In these cases, guttate psoriasis with lesions spreads all over the body.

AL- Hakim Homeopathic Center Drug Store

Our Homeopathic Clinic and Drugstore is Conveniently Located inside Indoor Shopping Mall “ Shoppes of The Parkway ” Main Floor Shop # 30 – 670 Hwy 7 East, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P2 with ample Free Parking & 03 Levels of Underground Free Parking as well. Downtown Richmond Hill Location next to Sheraton Hotel on Leslie St / Highway 7 intersection behind Esso Gas Station.



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